Tag Archives: Law of Attraction

Making Money Connections

We live in a world that has become increasingly interconnected. We can make connections with long-lost acquaintances or faraway friends with a quick search on a social media website. Our mundane activities can become viral trends thanks to the wide web of linkages on the Internet.

We need to be cautious about the online connections we make, as people’s virtual personas may be vastly different from their reality. We should also think twice before posting comments or photos, as they could have widespread repercussions on our work and personal relationships.

While it’s easy to see the positive and negative effects of establishing connections via technology, you may not readily recognise the importance of making wise money connections. You should also pay careful attention to the linkages you make when carrying out your financial transactions. Continue reading Making Money Connections

Money Thoughts Produce Money Results

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

What do you think is your biggest problem with money? Is your income too small to take care of your everyday needs? Are your material desires always in excess of the money in your pocket? Is your bank account continually empty? Do you always have to borrow money to survive? Are you unable to accumulate enough funds to achieve your major financial goals?

Over several years of helping persons to improve their relationships with money, I have come to realise that the root cause of the financial issues they experience has little to do with figures and balances. For most people, the number one problem is not a lack of funds or viable opportunities. Instead, their major obstacle has to do with how they think about money. Continue reading Money Thoughts Produce Money Results

Five Laws of Financial Success

If you’re trying to achieve a major financial goal, sometimes your journey may seem like a meandering obstacle course with no clear sign of the finish line. Although you try your best to create a better life, it seems that something always happens to throw off your plans. Why, you may ask yourself, does it have to be so hard to get ahead?

Many times persons struggle to succeed and eventually give up on their dreams because they are unaware of the process of achievement. If more persons understood exactly what was required to get what they wanted in life, then they would be more inclined to persevere until they were successful.

If you want to accomplish your goals, it is essential for you to learn about the universal laws that govern human behaviour and achievement. There are laws of nature that control our lives, whether we are aware of them or not. Unlike man-made laws that can be broken, you can never escape the effects of natural laws which work all the time, without fail. Continue reading Five Laws of Financial Success

The Emotions of Money

When we want to find out about what it takes to be financially smart, we often focus on the practical aspects of money such as budgeting, saving, investing and planning for our financial goals. It makes sense to think that if we learn and apply all the right financial principles, then we should be well equipped to become successful with money.

However, very often we forget to consider the effects that the psychological side of money may have on our results. The cold, hard facts of bank balances, expense figures, interest rates and growth targets are not the only determinants of money success; our emotions surrounding our finances also play an essential role.

About five years ago I attended a financial seminar called the Millionaire Mind Intensive, which promised to transform the way people thought about money. The major premise of the event was that by exposing any negative underlying feelings about money and replacing them with positive emotions, you would be better able to carry out the tasks necessary for financial achievement. Continue reading The Emotions of Money

Mission: H.O.P.E. – The Prosperity Club

Last week I revealed that I had made a conscious decision to reject the prevailing negativity of these times and focus instead on positive thoughts about wealth, money, and prosperity. Using the affirmation “Prosperity is mine in 2009,” let us channel our energies into creating solutions instead of complaining about our problems; and expecting opportunities instead of experiencing fear.

For the rest of this month, Your Money will expose people and organizations that are helping others to rise above their limitations to succeed and prosper. Our theme will be:   Mission:   H.O.P.E. – Helping Others to Prosper and Excel.

I regularly give presentations to companies and organizations to educate their team members about financial success principles. When I speak to many young people they seem to be overwhelmed by the negative occurrences in Jamaica, and appear to have given up hope that it is possible for them to have a brighter future. Continue reading Mission: H.O.P.E. – The Prosperity Club

Prosperity is Mine in 2009!

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” – Anne Bradstreet, British poet

The eventful year 2008 is now history. Some people might whisper “good riddance”, as they reflect on the financial challenges of this tumultuous 12-month period. As the reports of another year of austerity permeate the air, I am now declaring that this does not have to be our reality. Instead, let’s all pronounce that “Prosperity is mine in 2009!”

I must confess that I am tired of all the negative financial reports that prophesy financial doom and gloom. It’s not that I don’t recognise the severity of the economic crunch; I am concerned about the persons who are facing redundancy, foreclosure or mounting debt, and the businesses which are finding it difficult to remain viable.

However, as someone who understands and has experienced the law of attraction, which states that whatever you concentrate on will multiply in your life, I’m more concerned about the self-fulfilling nature of problem-centric thinking. Continue reading Prosperity is Mine in 2009!

The Secret of Money Revealed

Research has shown that only about one per cent of the population achieves exceptional wealth. Is this because the other 99 per cent are missing some crucial information, such as an ancient guidebook on wealth creation? Is there a hidden secret to making money?

After years of hearing the hype about The Secret, I finally read Rhonda Byrne’s book based on this best selling DVD about having, being and doing anything you want in life. Most of the material was based on concepts that had been expressed before by many great thinkers and achievers throughout the centuries. In fact, I had already read and heard ‘the secret’ in several different forms.

What exactly is this ‘secret’? What is this great mystery of achievement in life?

The secret is the reality that everything that is happening to you right now, and everything that has taken place in your life before, is a direct result of what you are thinking now and have thought in the past.

Continue reading The Secret of Money Revealed

Three Laws of Prosperity

“Have a prosperous New Year!”

This cheerful holiday declaration of future fortune is usually expressed with the best of intentions. Wouldn’t it be funny if someone replied honestly, “It would be great if you would tell me exactly how to have this prosperous New Year, because I’ve been broke for the last ten of them!”?

How did the tradition of wishing each other prosperity in the New Year originate?

According to www.answers.com, New Year’s is a time for resolutions, when people look forward and back in time. This practice can be attributed to the two-headed Roman god of beginnings Janus; of whom it was said “could see in the past with one face and into the future with the other.” The first month of the year is dedicated to his honour.

In many cultures, activities that are thought to bring future wealth are carried out on New Year’s Day. One interesting custom is the eating of cabbage leaves, which is considered a symbol of prosperity as it represents paper currency.

Another ritual is the baking of a coin into a loaf of bread, and then dividing it among the dinner guests. The recipient of the slice with the coin is expected to enjoy good fortune for the coming year.

Superstitions aside, how can we create this prosperity that we all desire? Continue reading Three Laws of Prosperity

Have a Charitable Christmas

“To desire and strive to be of some service to the world, to aim at doing something which shall really increase the happiness and welfare and virtue of mankind – this is a choice which is possible for all of us; and surely it is a good haven to sail for. – Henry Van Dyke

In just a few days, Christmas 2007 will be here. All too soon the day will be done, leaving behind piles of torn wrapping paper which once hid secret gifts; overflowing fridges stocked with left-over ham and rice and peas; brown pine leaves on brightly decorated trees; and the fading sounds of happy Christmas songs.

The 24 hours that comprises Christmas day disappears as quickly as any other normal day, and I sometimes wonder if all the hype and frantic preparation for this one day is overdone. On the dawn of December 26th, will the world be a better place for us? Will we be more financially, spiritually and emotionally fulfilled?

For many people, there is no improvement in the quality of their lives after Christmas. Real life returns, ushering in a January filled with bills that give testimony of holiday excesses. Unfortunately, all the commercialism that surrounds Christmas can sometimes make us forget the reason behind the season.

The story of the baby born to make a difference to the whole world makes a nice, heart-warming tale – but can it leave a life-changing impression in our hearts?

Continue reading Have a Charitable Christmas