Tag Archives: The Secret

The Secret of Money Revealed

Research has shown that only about one per cent of the population achieves exceptional wealth. Is this because the other 99 per cent are missing some crucial information, such as an ancient guidebook on wealth creation? Is there a hidden secret to making money?

After years of hearing the hype about The Secret, I finally read Rhonda Byrne’s book based on this best selling DVD about having, being and doing anything you want in life. Most of the material was based on concepts that had been expressed before by many great thinkers and achievers throughout the centuries. In fact, I had already read and heard ‘the secret’ in several different forms.

What exactly is this ‘secret’? What is this great mystery of achievement in life?

The secret is the reality that everything that is happening to you right now, and everything that has taken place in your life before, is a direct result of what you are thinking now and have thought in the past.

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