Tag Archives: millionaire mind

The Emotions of Money

When we want to find out about what it takes to be financially smart, we often focus on the practical aspects of money such as budgeting, saving, investing and planning for our financial goals. It makes sense to think that if we learn and apply all the right financial principles, then we should be well equipped to become successful with money.

However, very often we forget to consider the effects that the psychological side of money may have on our results. The cold, hard facts of bank balances, expense figures, interest rates and growth targets are not the only determinants of money success; our emotions surrounding our finances also play an essential role.

About five years ago I attended a financial seminar called the Millionaire Mind Intensive, which promised to transform the way people thought about money. The major premise of the event was that by exposing any negative underlying feelings about money and replacing them with positive emotions, you would be better able to carry out the tasks necessary for financial achievement. Continue reading The Emotions of Money