Tag Archives: budget

Christmas Saving Plan

Christmastime is traditionally the season for spending, so it would be unusual for us to think about saving during this period. Even the most disciplined consumers may get a little consumption-crazy over the holidays, putting aside their reservations and really getting into the swing of shopping.

Despite the heavy emphasis on seasonal splurging, it may actually be an opportune time to turn your thoughts to saving and securing your financial future. With so much money in circulation during the holidays, why should you only be thinking of depleting your reserves at this time?

Let’s face it — despite the cash that seems to be awash everywhere, how many of us really have anything enduring to show after our frenzied spending? Let’s look at some of the ways in which we can focus our minds on saving so we can have a little more financially rewarding season this year. Continue reading Christmas Saving Plan

Christmas Spending Recipe

Whether you’re ready for it or not, the yuletide season is now in full swing. Merchandisers persistently and persuasively remind us how much we really need to buy their products or services if we want to enjoy the holidays. Christmas is, after all, the major shopping period for the year.

It’s easy to get caught up in the wave of consumerism that engulfs us during at this time. With so many demands on your spending dollar during this month, you may feel overwhelmed by the pressures to spend, and frustrated if you don’t have enough money to satisfy all your desires.

You could develop a Scrooge complex and just hide away from the frenzy until early next year, but there are more sociable ways to cope with the seasonal shopping stresses. Here is a Christmas spending recipe which should help you to survive the holidays with your budget and sanity intact. Continue reading Christmas Spending Recipe

Practical Money Lessons for Your Children

Money is such an integral part of our lives, yet it is often misunderstood, misused and mismanaged. One of the reasons some adults find it hard to make the most of their money is that they never learned good financial practices at an early age.

If you are a parent or have the responsibility of teaching children, then one of the most important things you can do for their development is to help them appreciate money and finances when they are young. One way to do this is to incorporate money lessons into their everyday activities.

Money will be less of a mystery to children when they see it being smartly utilised in their real-life experiences on a regular basis. Here are some simple ideas on how you can help your kids to understand money and give them a head start on becoming financially well-adjusted adults. Continue reading Practical Money Lessons for Your Children

Financial Freedom at Last!

On August 1, our nation commemorated another Emancipation Day; a time when Jamaicans can reflect on the challenging periods in our country’s history and give thanks that the practice of human slavery was abolished. Personal freedom is a right that we should never take for granted.

According to Dictionary.com, ’emancipate’ means to free from bondage, restraint or influence. A person who has been held back by a restrictive system, physical impediment or an inhibiting force will be emancipated when the thing that prevents him from moving freely is eliminated.

While we can celebrate the fact that our citizens are no longer bound by the organised structure of slavery, the reality is that many persons are still shackled by the chains of financial bondage. Their money problems hinder them from living their desired lifestyles and accomplishing their goals. Continue reading Financial Freedom at Last!

Is Your Financial Life a Circus?

Recently, thousands of Jamaicans got the opportunity to experience a variety of circus performers in action at Circus in the City held in Kingston. Energetic acrobats, daring stuntmen, amusing clowns and a mesmerising magician were some of the acts which were present at the event.

As I watched the performers entertain the audience with their skilful feats, I recognised that there were certain similarities between the circus activities and the many challenges people face with money. Here are some of the ways in which your financial world could be likened to a circus:


Juggling is the art of manipulating several objects at once with your hands. The circus juggler uses extreme dexterity to toss several balls, clubs, rings or other props into the air, without letting the items touch the ground. It is one of the oldest forms of entertainment practised throughout the ages. Continue reading Is Your Financial Life a Circus?

Creating a Time Budget

This month, the focus has been on getting organised so that you can be better equipped to accomplish your goals. If you study the habits of successful people, you will recognise that they all learned how to effectively organise and control their resources to achieve great things.

One of the most important skills that will be required for goal attainment is time management. Your plans for your future will not be realised unless you have a proper time utilisation strategy to carry out the necessary tasks. One way to accomplish this objective is to create a time budget.

Design a schedule for your time

To budget your time, you should first design a timetable that lists blocks of time on the left-hand side in half-hour increments, and the seven days of the week along the top of the page. To make this process easier, you can simply download a time budget spreadsheet on www.financiallysmart.org. Continue reading Creating a Time Budget

Money Mission: Get Organised

Each month we have been addressing a specific task that will allow you to become more efficient in carrying out your financial objectives. Goal accomplishment is not attained by isolated spurts of activity; it’s the little actions that you do every day that will eventually help you to be successful.

This month’s money mission addresses a major problem that can hinder your effectiveness in your personal, work and financial lives. Many people find that they are not able to achieve their best, not because they lack the desire or skills to do so, but because they are completely disorganised.

Disorganisation brings distress

Marcia awakes each morning with an optimistic outlook. “Everything is going to run smoothly today,” she vows. Marcia operates a small wholesale and also makes gift baskets that she delivers to her customers. She juggles the two activities hoping that the combined effort will pay all her bills. Continue reading Money Mission: Get Organised

Keeping Records is Key

One of the occasional tasks that I find tedious and inconvenient is filling out forms or questionnaires. Whether I’m required to carry out a survey, complete documents for a financial institution or even submit contact information online, I usually have to overcome my initial resistance to the process.

I know I’m not alone in my aversion to data entry; but in many instances, it can be well worth the effort to capture information in a written or computerised format. When it comes to your finances, it is essential to maintain regular accounts of your transactions, both for individual and business use.

If you don’t have a firm handle on your financial dealings, it can cost you dearly in lost time, money and opportunities, and lead to confusion and frustration. Let’s look at some of the ways in which keeping timely and accurate records can help you to manage your personal or business finances. Continue reading Keeping Records is Key

More Money: Finding Earning Opportunities

Most people will agree that having more money is essential, but many will admit that they don’t know where to find opportunities to earn from their own efforts. Our education system does not really put much emphasis on self-employment and entrepreneurship; so many graduates leave school with a dependence on external sources to generate an income.

Our columns for this month have been dedicated to helping you understand what you need to do to increase your earning potential by creating your own sources of income. If you are going to survive and succeed in these challenging economic times, you will need to focus a lot of your attention on making extra money in your spare time.

This week, let’s look at some simple strategies that can help you to identify and take advantage of various opportunities to create your own income. Continue reading More Money: Finding Earning Opportunities