Tag Archives: sales

More Money: Finding Earning Opportunities

Most people will agree that having more money is essential, but many will admit that they don’t know where to find opportunities to earn from their own efforts. Our education system does not really put much emphasis on self-employment and entrepreneurship; so many graduates leave school with a dependence on external sources to generate an income.

Our columns for this month have been dedicated to helping you understand what you need to do to increase your earning potential by creating your own sources of income. If you are going to survive and succeed in these challenging economic times, you will need to focus a lot of your attention on making extra money in your spare time.

This week, let’s look at some simple strategies that can help you to identify and take advantage of various opportunities to create your own income. Continue reading More Money: Finding Earning Opportunities

Money Mission: Earn Your Own Income

The goal-achievement race is more like a marathon than a quick sprint; unless you continually focus on the finish line, you might get discouraged by the long journey and give up along the way. Our Money Mission columns are aimed at challenging you to accomplish a specific task each month that will help you persevere with your dreams.

Previously, we addressed two of the stumbling blocks that can prevent persons from making progress on their plans – procrastination and the inefficient use of time. Another major drawback that many people face in their quest to attain their goals is that they don’t earn enough money to save for important financial objectives such as buying a home or retirement.

Independent earning is important

The reality is that with the rising cost of living and the inability of most employers to pay increased salaries, you will have to change your outlook on earning if you want to have more money. You can no longer expect a job to supply you with all the income you need to create your desired lifestyle; you have to learn how to generate other sources of earning from your own efforts. Continue reading Money Mission: Earn Your Own Income

Business Lessons from the Honey Bee

I have often admired the diligent work of the honeybee. Just stand in any garden for a few minutes and very soon you will see one or two honeybees foraging for food within the flowers. These insects never seem to get tired of working, so it’s obvious why an industrious person is said to be as ‘busy as a bee’.

On deeper reflection, I have come to realise that there are many insights that this tiny insect can give us about being successful in business. I did a little research on the practices of the honeybee and I was quite impressed with the systematic way that it goes about achieving its life’s work.

Here are some of the business lessons that I have learnt from studying the honeybee: Continue reading Business Lessons from the Honey Bee