Tag Archives: bill payment

Money Mission: Get Organised

Each month we have been addressing a specific task that will allow you to become more efficient in carrying out your financial objectives. Goal accomplishment is not attained by isolated spurts of activity; it’s the little actions that you do every day that will eventually help you to be successful.

This month’s money mission addresses a major problem that can hinder your effectiveness in your personal, work and financial lives. Many people find that they are not able to achieve their best, not because they lack the desire or skills to do so, but because they are completely disorganised.

Disorganisation brings distress

Marcia awakes each morning with an optimistic outlook. “Everything is going to run smoothly today,” she vows. Marcia operates a small wholesale and also makes gift baskets that she delivers to her customers. She juggles the two activities hoping that the combined effort will pay all her bills. Continue reading Money Mission: Get Organised

Be Credit Card S.M.A.R.T.

Last week we looked at how easy it was for consumers to accumulate credit card debt, and we provided some practical steps how to reduce this liability over time. While the words ‘credit card’ and ‘debt’ tend to run hand-in-hand, owning a credit card doesn’t have to be a negative thing.

A credit card is just a tool that can help you to manage your cash flow and bill payments. However, like any other tool, if it is handled incorrectly, it can hurt the user. To be successful with credit card usage, you have to learn how to be credit card S.M.A.R.T:

S- Start with your budget

Your credit card should always be used along with your budget guide, to ensure that you’re making purchases that you can really afford. Identify those expenses that can be paid with a credit card, and don’t charge more on your card than you would have paid if you were using cash. Continue reading Be Credit Card S.M.A.R.T.