Tag Archives: profit & loss

Keeping Records is Key

One of the occasional tasks that I find tedious and inconvenient is filling out forms or questionnaires. Whether I’m required to carry out a survey, complete documents for a financial institution or even submit contact information online, I usually have to overcome my initial resistance to the process.

I know I’m not alone in my aversion to data entry; but in many instances, it can be well worth the effort to capture information in a written or computerised format. When it comes to your finances, it is essential to maintain regular accounts of your transactions, both for individual and business use.

If you don’t have a firm handle on your financial dealings, it can cost you dearly in lost time, money and opportunities, and lead to confusion and frustration. Let’s look at some of the ways in which keeping timely and accurate records can help you to manage your personal or business finances. Continue reading Keeping Records is Key

Small Business Financing: What you need to do to get it

The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in Jamaica, as statistics show that more and more people are opting to start their own small businesses. However, idealistic business owners are often hit with the harsh reality that most enterprises need financing in excess of what their pockets can provide.

Last week we looked at some funding options as outlined in the Small Business Financing seminar organized by the Jamaica Trade and Invest (JAMPRO) recently. These included the traditional forms of equity financing and short and long term loans, as well as alternative sources that involve making arrangements with suppliers or customers to improve the cash flow of the business.

Although there are varied options available for financing, small business owners sometimes find it difficult to access these funds. Continue reading Small Business Financing: What you need to do to get it