What does it take to earn more?

Last week we looked at the importance of placing a value on your work effort. Most employees are constrained by the amount of money that their jobs will pay them, as their work value is dictated by someone else. To earn enough money to fulfil your goals, you need to create your own avenue of earning where you can determine the true worth of your work time.

Over the years, I have recognised that many persons only wish to have the end result of having more money, but are not really prepared to put in the necessary work to get it done. Before you can enjoy the fruits of success, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to generate a consistent and worthwhile income source.

You must understand that positive changes will not occur in your life if you simply continue along the same pathway that you are on today. If you wish to generate additional funds to build your financial future instead of just living from pay cheque to pay cheque, you have to be willing to make some big sacrifices and do things differently.

Adjust your outlook

One of the reasons that you may not have the money you want today is that your attitudes and actions are not aligned with the lifestyle you desire. In other words, how you think and how you act are helping to keep you poor. Negative thoughts and a nonchalant approach to work will definitely prevent you from accomplishing your objectives.

For example, if you’re resistant to learning new things, or think that you’re not smart enough or too old to embrace technology, then you won’t be able to take advantage of the myriad opportunities that the rapidly evolving 21st century economy has to offer. If you admit that you’re just plain lazy, then you won’t be able to generate the required energy to do extra work.

Before you can establish a realistic plan to earn more, you have to improve both your work thoughts and your work ethic. You must believe in your ability to learn new skills and to do things you’ve never tried before; and also be diligent in carrying out the required tasks. Are you prepared to think positively and work productively all the time to make more money?

Give up free time

A major casualty in your crusade to create income will be your leisure time. As we discussed previously, you need to channel about ten hours each week into activities that can generate your side income. Since you can’t manufacture more time, you will have to sacrifice something you are currently doing to find the time to earn.

You may be forced to abandon well-loved pastimes such as watching television, surfing online social networks and casual reading. If work, school or family obligations already put a strain on your time, then the only option might be to give up some of your sleep time. You can definitely get another couple of hours in your day if you wake up earlier every morning.

As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow declared, “The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upwards in the night.” Are you prepared to give up some of your free time or sleep time so that you can do what is required to accomplish your goals?

Become immune to challenges

Another reality of change is that it often produces a level of discomfort before it brings its reward. When you decide to start the process of creating extra income, you will almost certainly face some obstacles that may tempt you to stop. It’s as if you are being tested to prove how much you are determined to accomplish your goals.

One of the first setbacks that you may face is rejection. It’s natural to want everyone to like the product or service you are offering; however, you are going to encounter people who are just not interested in your wares. You will also have to deal with disappointments, sickness, pain, judgment errors, deceitful people and a host of other challenges along the way.

You have to resolve that no person or circumstance is going to prevent you from accomplishing your goals. Become the champion of your own destiny and decide that you will not stop trying until you find a way to earn the amount of money you require. Are you prepared to keep persevering at the task of generating more income despite the discomforts you may face?

Once you are practical about what is required of you to create your own sources of income, and you are prepared to do whatever is necessary to succeed, then you will be ready to start looking for opportunities to earn. Next week, I will discuss some strategies that can help you find ways to make more money.


Copyright © 2013 Cherryl Hanson Simpson. No reproduction without written consent.

Originally published in The Daily Observer, March 21, 2013


Cherryl is a money coach and business mentor, and founder of Financially S.M.A.R.T. Services. See more of her work at www.entrepreneursinjamaica.com and www.financiallysmart.org. Contact Cherryl