Tag Archives: work ethic

What does it take to earn more?

Last week we looked at the importance of placing a value on your work effort. Most employees are constrained by the amount of money that their jobs will pay them, as their work value is dictated by someone else. To earn enough money to fulfil your goals, you need to create your own avenue of earning where you can determine the true worth of your work time.

Over the years, I have recognised that many persons only wish to have the end result of having more money, but are not really prepared to put in the necessary work to get it done. Before you can enjoy the fruits of success, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to generate a consistent and worthwhile income source.

You must understand that positive changes will not occur in your life if you simply continue along the same pathway that you are on today. If you wish to generate additional funds to build your financial future instead of just living from pay cheque to pay cheque, you have to be willing to make some big sacrifices and do things differently. Continue reading What does it take to earn more?