Tag Archives: Employees

Business Lessons from the Honey Bee

I have often admired the diligent work of the honeybee. Just stand in any garden for a few minutes and very soon you will see one or two honeybees foraging for food within the flowers. These insects never seem to get tired of working, so it’s obvious why an industrious person is said to be as ‘busy as a bee’.

On deeper reflection, I have come to realise that there are many insights that this tiny insect can give us about being successful in business. I did a little research on the practices of the honeybee and I was quite impressed with the systematic way that it goes about achieving its life’s work.

Here are some of the business lessons that I have learnt from studying the honeybee: Continue reading Business Lessons from the Honey Bee

Financial Wellness in the Workplace

“Employees with money problems are like sharks swimming around the workplace taking bites out of the bottom line.” – E Thomas Garman, Personal Finance Employee Education Foundation

Last week we looked at some poor money habits that can cause you to feel distressed about your finances. These practices include spending more than you earn, not saving for emergencies, depending on credit for consumer purchases, not planning for financial goals and taking unwise investing risks.

Research has shown that people with money problems usually end up being tense, worried and depressed. The Centre for Financial Social Work has stated that “money issues are the greatest stressor in peoples’ lives.” Financial distress can actually lead to insomnia, high blood pressure, migraines and other serious health concerns.

While it’s clear that people’s money challenges impair their personal lives, it may not be that obvious that these troubles can negatively impact the workplace. What happens when financially challenged people go to work? Do they leave their money worries at home? Continue reading Financial Wellness in the Workplace