Tag Archives: goal achievement

How to Overcome Time Poverty

We have been looking at one of the main stumbling blocks to personal and financial success — the inefficient use of the precious resource of time. Many people will argue that they really wish to start the process of change that will take them towards actualising their goals, but they find it very difficult to dedicate enough time to do what is required.

With work commutes that can take hours, job responsibilities that go beyond the contracted nine-to-five, and various commitments to children, service clubs or school, the average person is severely starved of unscheduled time. We may be able to find ways to alleviate our money deficiencies, but how can we overcome the challenge of time poverty?

Educator and author of Overcoming Time Poverty, Bill Quain, explains that if you feel like you don’t have enough time in your life, you may think you can fix the problem by becoming more efficient at what you do. On the contrary, Quain says, “You don’t need more time to do the same things you are doing now. You need to do different things in order to have more time in your life.” Continue reading How to Overcome Time Poverty

Money Mission: Make Time for Your Money

The month of January has already bid us a swift farewell. We have all heard the old adage, ‘Time waits for no man’ and the days, weeks and months of 2013 will not delay their passing for any of us. How successful have you been in getting started on the resolutions that you were determined to accomplish this year?

For our monthly ‘Money Mission’ columns this year, I would like to focus on strategies that will help you keep your dreams in the forefront of your minds. Don’t accept the mistaken belief that it is impossible to accomplish your resolutions; with clarity about your goals and the right attitude you can adopt new habits that will help you to be successful.

What do you do with your time?

Many people find that even though they are desperate to make changes to their financial situation, they just can’t get the time to do what they need to do. We often let work pressures and trivial events distract us from our goals. We stop thinking about and carrying out the daily steps required to maintain our progress; thereby relegating our future to the back burner.

It’s pointless to say “If only I had a little more time, I could really get going with my plans,” as we all have the same number of hours, minutes and seconds to utilise each day. Wealthy persons and successful achievers don’t have some secret stash of time that puts them ahead of the pack; they accomplish exceptional things with the same amount of time resource as you do.

What should you be doing with your time?

There are several essential activities that you need to accomplish if you want to be financially successful. You need to be efficient at budgeting, practice smart spending habits, be cautious with debt, save consistently, invest for future goals, put money aside for your retirement years, and make adequate provisions against life’s eventualities. Continue reading Money Mission: Make Time for Your Money

How to Become a Goal-Getter

Last week we discussed the importance of focusing on one major goal at a time instead of attempting to carry out all the items on your money to-do list. The idea is to concentrate your efforts on the activity that would have the biggest impact on your finances right now. By breaking down that task into smaller steps and doing something every day, you would be more likely to succeed.

As simple as this plan sounds, I know that it can be difficult to stay on track when distractions and disappointments come our way. When it comes to goal achievement, it really is a case of ‘easier said then done.’ If you want to make the most out of 2013, you need to learn some practical strategies to help you persevere and press on until you accomplish all your objectives.

Don’t kill your dreams

To become an effective goal getter, you will need to overcome one of the biggest dream defeaters that prevents people from actualising their plans. Victor Kiam got it right when he declared that “procrastination is opportunity’s natural assassin,” as many dreams die a slow and painful death simply because persons failed to take action on them. Continue reading How to Become a Goal-Getter

Money Mission: Just Do It!

It’s the beginning of a new year, and like most people, you may have prepared a list of things that you want to accomplish for 2013. Whether you hope to get fit, lose weight, save more money, read a book each month or spend less time on Facebook, you probably have a strong desire to finally see your plans through to completion this time.

The reality is that the success rate for keeping New Year’s resolutions is usually very low for many persons. Despite our best wishes and firm declarations of change, somehow it is just easier to continue along the familiar highway of ‘same-old, same-old’ than to traverse the often challenging pathway that leads to progress.

If you are one of those faithful readers who have followed my column for almost seven years, you might have seen me confess my own limitations with following through on important tasks. In the past, there have been several missed opportunities and projects that have been left undone, because of my lack of courage, determination, or patience. Continue reading Money Mission: Just Do It!

Achieving Impossible Dreams

In my continuous search for solutions to various kinds of money problems over the past 10 years, I have read dozens of books about money success and goal accomplishment. I thought that I was aware of all the top gurus in these genres and that I had analysed and assimilated all of their expert advice.

It wasn’t until recently that I discovered that one of the foremost writers on personal and professional achievement had somehow escaped my scrutiny. Upon the recommendation of a good friend who praised the work of best-selling author Steven K. Scott, I decided to take a look at his work, Simple Steps to Impossible Dreams.

Any book that promised to reveal secrets known by the world’s most successful people would definitely arouse my interest, so I eagerly delved in to find out what Scott could teach me about achieving the impossible. From the very first chapter I realised that I had unearthed a treasure map that could outline the route to accomplishing my wildest aspirations. Continue reading Achieving Impossible Dreams

Financial success may be easier than you think

Last week’s column which looked at several ways in which we sabotage our financial future by delaying important activities seems to have hit home with many readers. The quote ‘procrastination is opportunity’s natural assassin’ certainly rings true when it comes to our finances. Recently, I had yet another occasion to reflect on the dynamic relationship between time and money.

It was late Saturday afternoon when I received information that a family friend was coming to visit for a few days and would be arriving in less than three hours. In full-fledged panic mode, I thought about all the things that needed to be accomplished before I would be comfortable with having a guest stay in my house.

As I have acknowledged many times, procrastination has unfortunately been one of my more challenging vices. True to form, I had put off many little household tasks that could easily be ignored by my family alone; but with a visitor almost on my doorstep, these now became critical to my desire to be a successful and sociable host. Continue reading Financial success may be easier than you think

Getting Started with Investing

Whenever I examine the topic of investing, I often receive responses from readers who want to learn more about how they can make their money work for them in some type of investment. It seems that while they have a desire to invest, many persons are unable to proceed because they just don’t know where to start.

When I first learnt about the concept of investing many years ago, I was initially hesitant about putting money into anything that couldn’t guarantee a positive return. While I understood about saving and receiving interest on my money, it seemed like a risky idea to commit my hard-earned funds into an endeavour, hoping that it would generate a profit.

I remember doing a training course that required the students to create a portfolio which included stock investments. At the time, I didn’t know anything about the stock market, and I was annoyed that I was being forced to invest in something that could lose money.

Very reluctantly, I placed 20 per cent of my ‘pretend’ funds on a few stock picks, and prepared for a disastrous result. Continue reading Getting Started with Investing

Going Viral with your Dream

We have recently been looking at the importance of each person creating a vision for his or her personal growth and financial progress. I believe that Jamaica’s future economic development will be dependent on the ability of all of us to take charge of our own destinies, instead of waiting around for someone else to create change.

An unfolding Internet phenomenon has substantiated my belief that one person with a passionate dream for a better life can influence others to join in the vision. Clifton Brown, resident of Mavis Bank, St Andrew, was interviewed on a local television news programme about the woes caused by the recent inclement weather in his community.

Whenever heavy rains fall, the Yallahs River overflows and becomes a raging current across several roadways, including the Robertsfield main road, leaving the citizens marooned. Brown explained that people had to pay to be carried over by skilled persons, or by trucks or buses which could manage the flow. He appealed for a bridge to be constructed to rectify this perennial problem.

The vision becomes viral

I am sure that Brown had no idea that his impassioned plea captured on the television show would have led to him achieving celebrity status. His enthusiastic speech drew out the creativity of a young university student, Kevin-Sean Hamilton, who used clips of his interview to make an amusing music video that spread quickly on the Internet. Continue reading Going Viral with your Dream

Procrastinate at your peril

“Procrastination is opportunity’s natural assassin.” – Victor Kiam

The failure to finish important tasks is one of the major challenges that can stop you from achieving your financial goals. Many persons truly desire to improve their finances, but their dreams fade away because they make little effort to carry them out. Talking about your goals is great, but you have to take action in order to achieve them.

Years ago, I realised that my habit of procrastinating was seriously hindering my ability to create the financial lifestyle that I desired. Although I learned the right steps to make with money, many times I put them off for a later time that never arrived. I have regretted instances in the past where opportunities remained unfulfilled just because I didn’t act in time.

I had attempted to conquer my habit of procrastination by reading about ways to become more efficient in my use of time. My attempts to change were largely unsuccessful as I would often put off doing the recommended action items!

However, I knew that if I was going to be successful with money, I would have to learn to slay the dragon of procrastination, once and for all. Continue reading Procrastinate at your peril