Achieving Impossible Dreams

In my continuous search for solutions to various kinds of money problems over the past 10 years, I have read dozens of books about money success and goal accomplishment. I thought that I was aware of all the top gurus in these genres and that I had analysed and assimilated all of their expert advice.

It wasn’t until recently that I discovered that one of the foremost writers on personal and professional achievement had somehow escaped my scrutiny. Upon the recommendation of a good friend who praised the work of best-selling author Steven K. Scott, I decided to take a look at his work, Simple Steps to Impossible Dreams.

Any book that promised to reveal secrets known by the world’s most successful people would definitely arouse my interest, so I eagerly delved in to find out what Scott could teach me about achieving the impossible. From the very first chapter I realised that I had unearthed a treasure map that could outline the route to accomplishing my wildest aspirations.

Scott is the perfect guide to transport persons along the pathway to success in any area of life. After quitting or being fired from nine jobs in his first six years after college, Scott finally found the right course that would lead him to amazing business and personal accomplishments. His story is living proof that anyone, regardless of past failures, can rise to the pinnacle of achievement.

The Art of Dream Conversion

Why is it that a few people can be successful in achieving great things, while the vast majority of people never seem to attain their heart’s desires? Are these high achievers more intelligent, blessed with more resources or more experienced than the rest of the world? Or is it that they are just luckier than other people?

Scott debunks this mystery by stating that dream achievers are able to fulfil their goals because they learned the art of goal accomplishment. As someone who was not smart, rich, talented or lucky, Scott insists that if he could have eventually become incredibly successful, then it was possible for anyone to do the same.

The techniques that are required to attain your goals are called the Art of Dream Conversion, Scott explains. These are learnable skills that all persons can master, he declares, “once they are taught by someone who has habitually used them, and experienced their awesome power and results”. If you practise these skills every day, you too can achieve more than you ever dreamed.

Change is your choice

While you inherently possess the ability to have extraordinary success in your professional and personal life, you have to make an active decision to embark on the journey towards your dreams. Unfortunately, many people mistakenly think that they can’t do anything to change their status quo, and this unfounded belief prevents them from even trying.

Scott shares an exercise that he learned from motivational speaker and author Zig Ziglar, in which he asks three profound questions:

1. Do you believe that there is something you could specifically do in the next two weeks that would make your personal, family or business life worse?

2. Do you believe that there is something you could specifically do in the next two weeks that would make your personal, family or business life better?

3. Do you believe that every choice has an end result?

If you answer yes to all three questions, Scott assigns you a perfect score. This exercise outlines that despite your past results and your present circumstances, you can still carry out an action today which can influence your future. “There is something that you can do right now that will make your future better or worse,” Scott asserts,“and the choice is yours!”

Getting off the launching pad

Scott creates a vivid picture of a spacecraft that is poised on a launching platform, waiting to take off into outer space. We are just like these powerful rockets, he proclaims, as we are all fuelled up and ready to ascend towards our highest dreams. However, despite our potential, there are two things that will prevent 95 per cent of us from ever getting off the ground.

There are six chains that keep your ‘rocket’ anchored to the ground, Scott reveals, and you must cut them all before you can lift off. These restraints include your programming for mediocrity, fear of failure, avoidance of criticism, lack of clear vision, lack of knowledge and lack of resources. Secondly, there are seven ‘booster engine’ strategies that must be ignited so that you can soar.

So what did Scott, a self-professed corporate failure, actually do to become a fulfilled family man and a multimillionaire business owner? His tried, tested and proven tactics are comprehensively laid out in the Simple Steps to Impossible Dreams for anyone to learn and implement. I highly recommend this book to all readers who are desirous of achieving their dreams.

Copyright © 2012 Cherryl Hanson Simpson. No reproduction without written consent.


Originally published in The Daily Observer, May 24, 2012

Read another article on Goal Attainment:

Steps to Achieving Your Money Goals


Cherryl is a money coach and business mentor, and founder of Financially S.M.A.R.T. Services. See more of her work at and Contact Cherryl