Category Archives: Money & Your Mind

Money Lessons from Home Decorating

Recently, I got involved in a home decorating project, which saw me creating custom-made curtains for some bedroom windows. In a former career life, I used to produce and market a line of ladies’ clothing and accessories, but I had shelved my sewing machine and design skills for nearly 15 years.

It seems that a change of environment had rekindled the dormant fire of my creative talent. I became inspired by a scrap of leftover fabric which had been used to reupholster a chair. Convincing myself that I could turn this remnant into fabulous window shades, I set about bringing my vision into reality.

I knew it would have been challenging to pull off this feat, since I was a little rusty in recollecting some sewing techniques. However, just like riding a bicycle, there are some things that you never really forget. In the end, I was rather pleased with my designing effort and even more thrilled that I had used what I had on hand to achieve my objective. Continue reading Money Lessons from Home Decorating

Money Mission: Get Honest About Your Money

Debbie shared a quick joke with the postman as she took the bundle of letters from his hands. “I long for the day when I can get some money in the mail instead of just more bills!” she said with a chuckle. The postman laughed heartily as he rode away, “The only way money will come in the mail is if you start buying lottery tickets!” he retorted.

As she closed the gate, Debbie ruffled through the items that had just been delivered. There was correspondence from the furniture store from which she had bought a new Smart TV on hire purchase, a letter from a loan recovery agency, two more from companies she did not recognise, and a green and white slip which indicated that she had received registered mail.

With an irritated sigh, she distractedly pushed the pile of envelopes into her kitchen drawer which was already stuffed with unopened mail. “I wish they would stop sending these stupid payment requests,” she muttered to herself. “I need something to lift my spirits.” Grabbing her smart phone, she started composing a BB message to her best friend Althea. Continue reading Money Mission: Get Honest About Your Money

Money Thoughts Produce Money Results

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

What do you think is your biggest problem with money? Is your income too small to take care of your everyday needs? Are your material desires always in excess of the money in your pocket? Is your bank account continually empty? Do you always have to borrow money to survive? Are you unable to accumulate enough funds to achieve your major financial goals?

Over several years of helping persons to improve their relationships with money, I have come to realise that the root cause of the financial issues they experience has little to do with figures and balances. For most people, the number one problem is not a lack of funds or viable opportunities. Instead, their major obstacle has to do with how they think about money. Continue reading Money Thoughts Produce Money Results

Money Mission: Emancipate yourself from financial slavery

“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our minds.” – Marcus Garvey

This week and next Jamaica commemorates its 50th anniversary of Independence as well as 174 years of Emancipation from slavery. In the midst of all the celebratory events, some of us might question how independent or free we really are as a nation, with all the economic, social and political challenges that continue to hinder our productivity and prosperity.

In true Jamaican style, most of us will ‘tek kin teet kibba heart bun’ and enjoy the festivities, putting aside our concerns until after the holidays. However, all too soon, the pressing problems will resurface and vie for our urgent attention. When it comes to money, it seems that both the country and many of its citizens are still trapped in economic slavery.

What are some of the ways in which you can be held captive by the shackles of financial bondage? Continue reading Money Mission: Emancipate yourself from financial slavery

Turn Criticism Into Cash

When I encourage persons to look for ways to generate extra income, I often get the response that although they may have some great money-making inspirations, they are afraid of the possible reaction that they will get from friends and colleagues.

One of the biggest deterrents to creativity is our fear of being criticised, and this can cause us to abandon good opportunities to earn. In Simple Steps to Impossible Dreams, author Steven K Scott explains that your “efforts to avoid criticism subvert and suffocate your creative thinking and sabotage your launch before you even attempt to achieve your dreams”.

Words can bring long-term hurt

Why do we avoid criticism like the plague, sacrificing the potential gain that may be our reward for trying something new? The simple answer is that being criticised hurts. Continue reading Turn Criticism Into Cash

Money Mission: Become A Money Magnet

At the beginning of the year, many of us made firm resolutions to make 2012 the best ever. This was going to be the year, we declared, that we finally got our money act together. Reciting our 2012 Money Manifesto pledges, we vowed to make positive changes in 12 areas of our financial life.

If you had made these optimistic declarations to improve your finances, how would you rate your progress three months later? Have you been successful at implementing many of the habits that would allow you to achieve your objectives? Or have you given up on your plans and consoled yourself that next year will be better?

If you’re like most people and have already reneged on your resolutions, don’t despair. Decide to tackle your money problems in the same way you would approach a work or school assignment: assess the issue, research possible solutions, create an action plan and carry out the necessary activities.

Make it your mission to work on a specific money goal each month. Continue reading Money Mission: Become A Money Magnet

A Cure For Your Money Sickness

Sometime last year, I received an email from a public relations firm in California asking me if I would like to review a book on money that was about to be published. An interesting fact immediately caught my attention — the author, Hill Harper, was one of the stars on the popular television show, CSI:NY.

“Why on earth,” I thought to myself, “would this actor guy be writing a book about money?” Intrigued with the concept, I eagerly awaited my advance copy of Harper’s book, The Wealth Cure: Putting Money in Its Place to find out what new information and insights he could contribute to the arena of personal finance.

When I received the package, a release from the publisher revealed that Harper’s story was produced during a challenging period in his life. After being diagnosed with thyroid cancer, he went on a cross-country train ride to come to terms with his illness. During the trip, he got a deeper understanding about the true meaning of life, and these revelations birthed The Wealth Cure.

Reading the author blurb on the jacket, I was quite impressed to discover that Harper was an established New York Times best-selling author, had acted in major films such as Spike Lee’s He Got Game, and attained two graduate degrees including one from Harvard Law School. But what could this perennial overachiever teach the world about money? Continue reading A Cure For Your Money Sickness

Five Laws of Financial Success

If you’re trying to achieve a major financial goal, sometimes your journey may seem like a meandering obstacle course with no clear sign of the finish line. Although you try your best to create a better life, it seems that something always happens to throw off your plans. Why, you may ask yourself, does it have to be so hard to get ahead?

Many times persons struggle to succeed and eventually give up on their dreams because they are unaware of the process of achievement. If more persons understood exactly what was required to get what they wanted in life, then they would be more inclined to persevere until they were successful.

If you want to accomplish your goals, it is essential for you to learn about the universal laws that govern human behaviour and achievement. There are laws of nature that control our lives, whether we are aware of them or not. Unlike man-made laws that can be broken, you can never escape the effects of natural laws which work all the time, without fail. Continue reading Five Laws of Financial Success

The Emotions of Money

When we want to find out about what it takes to be financially smart, we often focus on the practical aspects of money such as budgeting, saving, investing and planning for our financial goals. It makes sense to think that if we learn and apply all the right financial principles, then we should be well equipped to become successful with money.

However, very often we forget to consider the effects that the psychological side of money may have on our results. The cold, hard facts of bank balances, expense figures, interest rates and growth targets are not the only determinants of money success; our emotions surrounding our finances also play an essential role.

About five years ago I attended a financial seminar called the Millionaire Mind Intensive, which promised to transform the way people thought about money. The major premise of the event was that by exposing any negative underlying feelings about money and replacing them with positive emotions, you would be better able to carry out the tasks necessary for financial achievement. Continue reading The Emotions of Money