Category Archives: Income Creation

The Art and Science of Making Money

Despite the developments in technology and differences in trends that emerge over time, there is one financial certainty that will probably remain constant. Most persons – regardless of age, gender, education, nationality, status or creed – will express the desire to have more money.

The ability to increase income levels far in excess of spending needs is desired by many, but discovered by very few. Could it be that some people are blessed with an inherent flair for making money that escapes the less talented majority? Or is there a scientific approach to money multiplication which can only be exploited after years of dedicated study?

The 2012 Money Manifesto, our 12-step guide to creating financial success, provides a recipe for increasing your income and putting your money to work for you. It is virtually impossible to budget successfully, save towards a nest egg, avoid debilitating debt, and plan for future goals, without having the means to boost your earning power. Continue reading The Art and Science of Making Money

Making Money With Your Mind

Jamaican people are very creative, and it never ceases to amaze me how we can effortlessly invent catchy phrases and popular dances in an instant. As the saying goes, ‘There’s a new idea born every minute’; and in this country we are constantly coming up with new trends that excite our imagination for a time.

It’s fascinating to see the tremendous interest that persons from other nations have in our little island. There are many anecdotal stories of Jamaicans traveling overseas who are almost mobbed by strangers wanting to learn more about our culture and famous personalities. In their minds, every Jamaican must have the inside scoop on icons such as Bob Marley or Usain Bolt.

Despite our citizens’ talents, flair and international presence, we seem unable to truly capitalise on the popularity of brand Jamaica. Unfortunately, persons from other countries will come here and quickly take advantage of the profit potential of our culture; yet except for a few notable exceptions, most Jamaicans are not aware of their true value. Continue reading Making Money With Your Mind

Earning Extra Money is Essential

Becoming financially successful involves more than just doing the right things with the money you currently earn. For many persons, the salary they receive from their regular jobs can just barely cover their basic necessities. The reality is that if you want to achieve a healthy financial status, you need to focus on earning extra income.

This realisation came home to me several years ago as I struggled to turn around my finances from a negative position to a positive one. After recognising the importance of budgeting, saving, managing debt and setting goals, it became quite obvious that I needed to make more money in order to accomplish these basic money management strategies.

It would be impossible for me to meet all my bills, save for an emergency fund, pay off my debts, and put aside money for future goals without another source of income.

However, figuring out how to create more money was a challenge. I had a full-time job and family responsibilities, so my free time was limited. I also had no idea of what else I could do to increase my income. Continue reading Earning Extra Money is Essential

More Money-Making Ideas for the Holidays

For several months, we have been offering dozens of income-generating ideas that can help you to make extra money part-time, or create a satisfying full-time business. I believe that the only solution for our personal and national economic problems is for each one of us to become more enterprising about earning more.

Once you start focusing on increasing your personal productivity, you will eventually develop the ability to see earning opportunities in various situations. Remember, the key is to look out for people’s unfulfilled needs or painful problems, and get creative in finding solutions to address their concerns.

The festive season is a perfect occasion to improve your skills in identifying options to create additional income, as more people are in the frame of mind to spend. Instead of merely joining the shopping line with your cart full of holiday goods, start looking around for things that you can do to earn from others. Continue reading More Money-Making Ideas for the Holidays

Money-Making Ideas for the Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, many persons will abandon the cautious spending habits they had diligently adhered to throughout the year. Engaging media advertisements, exciting party invitations and enticing Christmas fare are enough temptations to drive even the most frugal consumer into shopping overdrive.

Inevitably, after the spending sprees are over, post-season depression sets in. As January draws nearer, many people frantically wonder how they are going to pay for their holiday excesses and cover their upcoming bills. Year after year, they are filled with remorse about the one month of frenzied shopping which leaves behind eleven months of financial stress.

Is it possible to fully enjoy the holiday season without having any money regrets? Can we actually have our Christmas cake and eat it too? Continue reading Money-Making Ideas for the Holidays

Making Money With Renewable Resources

The ability to flick a switch and receive electric light, or to turn a tap and get potable water are everyday processes that many of us take for granted. However, advancements which allow us to live more comfortably can sometimes prove to be double-edged swords as they can bring both positive and negative effects.

Our increasing demand for modern-day amenities is putting tremendous stress on the environment. We rely on non-renewable fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas to produce more energy; these sources have been tied to air pollution and global warming. While water is largely a renewable resource, activities such as deforestation and ground water contamination affect its suitability for human consumption.

As scientists and environmentalists struggle to find ways to protect the earth’s natural resources, we must remember that every problem contains the seeds for potential profit. Continue reading Making Money With Renewable Resources

Making Money from Trading

It could be easily argued that Jamaica is a nation of traders. Whether it’s a classy uptown establishment or itinerant downtown vendor, in virtually every nook and cranny you can find persons buying and selling all types of merchandise.

When faced with job loss or the need to supplement their income, many people immediately think of retail trading. If you’re looking for some ideas to make extra money, think first of consumer needs that are currently unmet in your area — what goods do people want to buy which are not in adequate supply?

Expand your horizon and examine new marketplaces for innovative commodities and methods of selling products. Here are some options for earning additional income from trading: Continue reading Making Money from Trading

Making Money from Repairs/Recycling

One of the reasons that consumers have to spend more money in today’s economy is that too many products are easily disposable and require frequent replenishing. Years ago, when you bought a piece of equipment such as an iron, it lasted for a generation; today it seems that the usable lifetime of many small appliances is designed to expire after a year.

While manufacturers can make more money by creating less durable items that have to be replaced repeatedly, many consumers have also adopted a ‘throw-away’ mentality, where they choose to discard products in favour of new and improved models. Just think of the disposability factor of mobile phones!

The challenge with this lifestyle is that it creates a massive amount of waste material that is difficult to put away safely. Plastic bags and bottles can take dozens or hundreds of years to decompose in landfills, while items made of styrofoam and other food and drink containers are reportedly not biodegradable at all.

One of the ways to create an income is by providing profitable solutions to people’s problems. Waste removal issues can therefore be viewed as opportunities for creative entrepreneurs to earn more money. The key is to think of ways to turn somebody’s trash into your treasure by repairing, reusing or recycling it. Let’s look at some possible options: Continue reading Making Money from Repairs/Recycling

Making Money with a Telephone

The telephone is an indispensable tool in today’s fast-paced society. With the rapid development of telephone technology over the past 15 years, this instrument has moved from being an under-utilised home device to an essential communication hub for many people. The booming telecommunications industry in Jamaica suggests that we have an almost insatiable need to talk!

While some persons may spend entirely too much money paying for idle chatter, the telephone can actually be turned into a profit-making machine. If you are searching for opportunities to earn extra income, you may find these suggestions useful: Continue reading Making Money with a Telephone

Making Money with a Computer/Internet

A computer is an important tool not only to prepare and store documents or stay connected online, but it can be a valuable resource for persons searching for ways to earn extra income. Let’s look at some of the ways in which your computer, especially when used along with the Internet, can be turned into an income-generating device.

Document preparation

There are many persons who do not have the ability to prepare common documents that they need to carry out their businesses. Armed with a computer and basic knowledge of software such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point, you could provide a service to help persons to type letters and projects, create spreadsheets, and design presentations. With Internet service you could also prepare online documents for embassy applications and other web submission forms.

Graphic design

If you have a flair for design and some training in graphic software, you can use your computer to create a range of products for individuals and small businesses. Brochures, flyers, wedding or funeral programmes, business cards and advertisements are just some of the types of products that can be produced in your spare time. Look for customers at churches, schools and by targeting business owners.

Social media services

The growth of social networking sites such as Facebook, where persons share stories and opinions with online friends, has revolutionised the world of marketing. More businesses now realise the value of reaching out to prospective customers using the power of these sites. Continue reading Making Money with a Computer/Internet