Tag Archives: Earning Opportunities

Making Money With Renewable Resources

The ability to flick a switch and receive electric light, or to turn a tap and get potable water are everyday processes that many of us take for granted. However, advancements which allow us to live more comfortably can sometimes prove to be double-edged swords as they can bring both positive and negative effects.

Our increasing demand for modern-day amenities is putting tremendous stress on the environment. We rely on non-renewable fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas to produce more energy; these sources have been tied to air pollution and global warming. While water is largely a renewable resource, activities such as deforestation and ground water contamination affect its suitability for human consumption.

As scientists and environmentalists struggle to find ways to protect the earth’s natural resources, we must remember that every problem contains the seeds for potential profit. Continue reading Making Money With Renewable Resources

Making Money With a Vehicle

The purchase of a vehicle is often viewed as a necessary investment for many Jamaicans who are forced to struggle with an unpredictable public transportation system. However, after the initial euphoria of gaining their own set of wheels wears off, new drivers quickly realise that owning a vehicle can sometimes be a very expensive affair.

Most people opt to take out a loan in order to obtain the funds for their vehicle of choice, but the required monthly payments can put severe pressure on their budgets. Add the costs of petrol, insurance, licensing fees, servicing and major repairs, and it becomes clear that vehicle ownership is definitely more of an expense than an investment.

The good news is that your vehicle can actually provide several opportunities to generate income that might not only cover the upkeep charges, but leave you with a tidy surplus to boot. If you’re looking for ways to earn more money, you may find a suitable option in one of the following ideas: Continue reading Making Money With a Vehicle

Multiple Streams of Income

“Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden in the east, and there he placed the man he had made. A river flowed from the land of Eden, watering the garden and then dividing into four branches.” – Genesis 2: 8, 10 NLT

When it comes to their finances, many people are currently experiencing severe drought conditions. The reservoirs of their bank accounts are running dangerously low, as the constant outflows of money are not being replenished by new inflows of savings. The Jamaican proverb, “Rain a fall, but de dutty tough,” aptly describes the inability of their scattered income showers to nourish their parched budgets.

Some persons whose steady earnings have regularly flowed from their work pipelines, now find their taps painfully dry. Everywhere you look, people are engaged in a desperate search for fresh income sources to meet basic requirements and to store up for the future.

While the drought analogy might be appropriate for the financial challenges that many of us are facing today, remember that money is still in abundant supply even though it might not be obvious in our pockets. Continue reading Multiple Streams of Income

Time is of the Essence!

One of the realities of our current economic climate is that we are now forced to do more with fewer resources at our disposal. While our income loses value every month, our expenses grow almost exponentially. Layoffs and job work-hour cuts are reducing the size of the workforce, yet employees are being asked to produce more in less time.

As we continue to grapple with the financial challenges that this year will bring, it becomes even more crucial to manage the precious resource of our time. I often comfort my clients by explaining that they can always recreate lost wealth; but I can’t give the same guarantee about time because it’s not a renewable resource.

Many of us approach time as if it were an hourglass that will replenish itself with sand once we turn the instrument upside down. The reality is that once we use up all the seconds, minutes and hours in a day, we will never see them again. Continue reading Time is of the Essence!