Tag Archives: creative works

Making Money With Your Mind

Jamaican people are very creative, and it never ceases to amaze me how we can effortlessly invent catchy phrases and popular dances in an instant. As the saying goes, ‘There’s a new idea born every minute’; and in this country we are constantly coming up with new trends that excite our imagination for a time.

It’s fascinating to see the tremendous interest that persons from other nations have in our little island. There are many anecdotal stories of Jamaicans traveling overseas who are almost mobbed by strangers wanting to learn more about our culture and famous personalities. In their minds, every Jamaican must have the inside scoop on icons such as Bob Marley or Usain Bolt.

Despite our citizens’ talents, flair and international presence, we seem unable to truly capitalise on the popularity of brand Jamaica. Unfortunately, persons from other countries will come here and quickly take advantage of the profit potential of our culture; yet except for a few notable exceptions, most Jamaicans are not aware of their true value. Continue reading Making Money With Your Mind