Tag Archives: wealth files

Developing Your Millionaire Mindset

Last week, we introduced a fascinating audio book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, in which author T Harv Eker explains how people’s thoughts can actually influence their financial results. This week, we explore some of Eker’s insightful suggestions about how you can create a mindset for wealth.

Acknowledge that you create your results

It’s important to understand that you have the ability to design the destiny that you desire. Eker insists that you are the “steering wheel of your financial life” as you have the power to create what you have or what you don’t have. Unfortunately, too many people never achieve their goals because they think that forces outside of their control are responsible for their success or failure.

Instead of taking responsibility for their future, Eker explains, people with poverty mindsets often blame other people and circumstances for their money problems. They also try to justify their financial lack with comments such as, “Money is not that important to me.”

Constant complaining is another form of negative energy that actually ensures that they only attract more problems. Continue reading Developing Your Millionaire Mindset