Tag Archives: virtual corporation

Can There Be a Perfect Business?

“Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you’re not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were.” – David Rockefeller

Everywhere I go, almost everyone I speak to wants to make more money. Their heart’s desire is to have some earning potential outside of their regular nine-to-five job.

Some people wish to find a way of making ‘big money, fast’ and are not are willing to consider options that require slow and steady growth over time. Some are scared of the risk of losing money, and will dismiss any idea that would require a large capital outlay to start. Others want a chance to make money while utilizing their talents, in order to feel truly fulfilled.

Although their business ideas might be diverse and unique, there is one common denominator that floats through the minds of prospective business owners – they all want a business that’s perfect for them. But is there really anything such as a ‘Perfect Business’? Continue reading Can There Be a Perfect Business?