Tag Archives: value

What is Your Work Really Worth?

Our focus for this month is all about finding extra income sources that will give you the ability to save towards your financial goals. It’s not enough to just have a clear and specific dream that you are passionate about; you also need to identify exactly where and how you are going to create additional income to invest in your plans.

Last week we set a challenge that was especially directed at employees and anyone who believes that a job is the only way that they can earn. Your mission is to find a product or service that creates values for customers, and offer it to your friends, family and colleagues for profit. The objective is for you to get accustomed to making money from your own efforts.

With the current economic challenges, most people have few opportunities to increase their on-the-job income. Those who are fortunate to get a raise or bonus will find that inflation eventually eats away at the extra earnings they make. If you are determined to have enough money to improve your standard of living and attain your dreams, then you need to look within. Continue reading What is Your Work Really Worth?

Can You Invest By Shopping?

We have recently been discussing the concept of investing, which involves putting money into a venture with the expectation of making a profit. Whether you invest in financial securities, property or a business, the general idea is that you decide to forgo spending money in the present, in order to secure some benefit in the future.

Many people will admit that they find it difficult to invest, as they would prefer to get the instant gratification of spending money than waiting to reap a potential reward in the long term. Why invest and risk your money, they think, when you can buy something right away and enjoy the fruits of your labour immediately?

Some time ago, a reader e-mailed me about the concept of investing versus spending. He introduced a simple but thought-provoking idea — What if more people were to say, “I invested my money on an item instead of I spent my money on it”, would that encourage them to make wiser spending choices? Continue reading Can You Invest By Shopping?