Tag Archives: investment

Business Lessons from the NBA Finals

I enjoy watching several sports, and I especially appreciate basketball for its fast-paced action. It’s quite entertaining to observe the highly competitive players battle with drive and determination for over 48 minutes, until one team achieves its ultimate objective of winning the game.

Recently, Game 6 of the 2013 NBA finals, which was fiercely contested by the Miami Heat and the San Antonio Spurs, gave me much more than just vicarious pleasure. I was extremely inspired by the action, as I marvelled at the twists and turns of one of the finest games in basketball history.

As the game progressed along to its nail-biting conclusion, I realised that the setbacks and successes the teams had experienced provided several lessons that could be applied to the world of business. Here are some of the entrepreneurial insights that I gained from the NBA finals: Continue reading Business Lessons from the NBA Finals

Investing by owning shares

As things get tighter economically, more people are eager to find out how they can invest their money to create wealth. They realise that their dreams and goals will be difficult to attain if they depend solely on their job income. Investing can be a ticket to financial freedom for those who are willing to learn and abide by the correct principles.

There are several different ways to invest, and it can be easy to get confused about the various options. One investment type that may seem a little mysterious to the average person is the stock market. I often get questions from readers who want to understand more about stocks and how they can use them to make money.

Let’s examine how stocks operate and clarify how this method of investing may be able to help you to achieve your financial objectives. Continue reading Investing by owning shares

Can You Invest By Shopping?

We have recently been discussing the concept of investing, which involves putting money into a venture with the expectation of making a profit. Whether you invest in financial securities, property or a business, the general idea is that you decide to forgo spending money in the present, in order to secure some benefit in the future.

Many people will admit that they find it difficult to invest, as they would prefer to get the instant gratification of spending money than waiting to reap a potential reward in the long term. Why invest and risk your money, they think, when you can buy something right away and enjoy the fruits of your labour immediately?

Some time ago, a reader e-mailed me about the concept of investing versus spending. He introduced a simple but thought-provoking idea — What if more people were to say, “I invested my money on an item instead of I spent my money on it”, would that encourage them to make wiser spending choices? Continue reading Can You Invest By Shopping?

This Little Investor Went to the Market

There are several things to consider if you are thinking about investing. Where do you go to purchase an investment? What are all the available options? How do you know which is the right one? When is the best time to buy or sell an investment? Whom should you trust to give you advice? Why should you even invest your money at all?

It can be initially difficult to find answers to these questions. After all, you can’t just walk into an investment superstore, browse through the aisles, read the labels on the different products, ask the store attendant some questions, select the right option and pay for it at the checkout counter.

If investing was as easy as shopping, we would probably all be very wealthy!

Continue reading This Little Investor Went to the Market

2010 Action Plan #3: Control Your Income

It wouldn’t be hard to predict that it’s going to be more difficult to make money in 2010. Employees and entrepreneurs alike are experiencing a decline in their earning power due to pay reductions, job layoffs, and consumer spending cuts. Investors who had previously benefited from lucrative profits in the money market now have to cope with decreasing returns.

How can you survive when you are not earning enough? Let’s look at some of the typical challenges that people are facing today and offer some possible solutions to these problems:

Situation: Your boss is cutting your work time to four days per week, and you stand to lose 20 per cent of your pay. Continue reading 2010 Action Plan #3: Control Your Income

Inflation and Your Money

Imagine going to a restaurant to buy a cup of coffee and being told that the price was $5,000. After ordering a second cup, you request a bill and see that the total cost for two cups of coffee was $14,000.

Upon enquiring about the obvious error you were told, “If you want to save money and you want two cups of coffee, you should order them both at the same time.”

You may think that this is just an amusing story. In fact, this was a real-life example of life in Germany after World War I recounted in Adam Smith’s Paper Money, which described the extreme effects of inflation on that country’s economy. Continue reading Inflation and Your Money

Investors: The Sceptical,The Gullible and the Greedy

Typically, when people think of investors they picture wealthy business moguls or savvy stock owners wheeling and dealing their way into large fortunes. The reality is that investors come in all financial shapes and bank account sizes. An investor is simply anyone who commits money to an endeavour with the expectation of making a profit.

I’ve often wondered about the personal traits that can help to create a successful investor. Some people seem to have the Midas touch – everything they invest in turns into gold. Many others, however, seem to fail at any investment they undertake.

What does it take to win at the investing game? Is it lady luck, dominant genes, or hard work? Continue reading Investors: The Sceptical,The Gullible and the Greedy

How To Maintain Your Money

Why do some people achieve long-lasting financial success while others struggle with money for their entire lives? After years of seeking the answer to this mystery, I have discovered that the route to prosperity lies in the knowledge and application of some basic principles that govern money.

We have been examining the three tenets of money success – managing, multiplying and maintaining your money. After making smart use of the money you already have and making determined efforts to earn more, the final key is making plans to preserve your wealth for your lifetime and beyond.

Here are the four essential steps to maintaining your money: Continue reading How To Maintain Your Money

The 3 M’s of Money

“In a recent column you said that it was possible for persons to learn how to be financially literate. I am tired of always being low on funds and big in debt. What are some of the things that I should be doing in order to be successful with money?”

Being smart with money is not hard once you learn and start practising some basic financial principles. After many years of being financially clueless, I was able to completely turn around my money situation once I discovered the secrets of financially successful people.

These revelations came after years of reading books about money, searching the Internet, watching financial television shows and interviewing wealthy persons.

Based on my research and personal experience, there are three things you need to focus on: managing the money you already have, multiplying money for growth, and maintaining your money to last throughout your life and beyond. Continue reading The 3 M’s of Money

Sudden Wealth Syndrome

“With the present uncertainty regarding our investments, the viability of our jobs, and our financial future in general, I wonder if it might be a good idea to aggressively focus on winning the lottery as a wealth-building strategy. Even though the odds are against us, this might be the only way some of us will ever achieve financial success.”

As strange as it may sound, an investment plan that involves winning the lottery and other games of chance is probably more widely practiced than we may think. I have seen people consistently purchase lottery tickets, interpret their dreams to ‘catch the cash pot’, or bet on horses using disciplined strategies. Some may not consider this activity as gambling, but would prefer to think that they are working to secure a regular income.

Obviously, gambling is not the best route to secure one’s financial future. However, many people still dream of obtaining a wealth windfall. How many times have we heard people say, “If I had a million dollars, I’d never be broke again,” or If only I could get my hands on a lump sum of money, I could pay off my debts and start a new life.” Continue reading Sudden Wealth Syndrome