Tag Archives: Unwise Investing Risks

Are You Living on the Edge?

As the recent devastating downpours lashed the island of Jamaica, many people who lived close to rivers and gullies were terrified as the torrents tore away at the land beside their dwelling places. Unfortunately, several ill-fated persons watched helplessly as their homes eventually broke apart and tumbled into the raging flood waters.

Tropical Storm Nicole highlighted the fact that even the most placid streams can become destructive floods when weather conditions deteriorate. However, while those who resided near to these out-of-control waterways were living in danger, other persons whose residences were built on more solid ground were relatively unscathed by the natural disaster.

As I reflected on these tragic occurrences, I realised that many people, just like those who lived beside potentially dangerous water courses, are living on the edge when it comes to their finances.

While circumstances are favourable, they exist with a false sense of security about their money situation; but in reality, their financial foundation is weak and unable to withstand even the smallest of challenges. Continue reading Are You Living on the Edge?