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More Money: Teach What You Know

Whenever I meet persons with expert knowledge that could benefit the wider society, I usually encourage them to find ways to earn by sharing their expertise with others. Too many people who are privy to specialised information tend to keep it to themselves, with the mistaken view that giving away their ‘trade secrets’ will prevent them from benefiting financially from their work.

Whether you are a craftsman using a lost art form, a teacher using successful training methods, or a nutritionist using natural remedies, if you only focus on serving your individual clients, there will always be a low ceiling on the income you can derive from your knowledge. In fact, when you die, your talent will pass on with you and will not be available to better the world.

If you have essential information that creates value for others, you should be looking for ways to spread your knowledge in a systematic way that will allow you to earn more money. Your income will increase in direct proportion to the number of people you serve, so you need to consider how to get many more persons to benefit from your expertise. Continue reading More Money: Teach What You Know