Tag Archives: TED Talks on Grit

True Grit Brings Financial Success

Recently, a reader shared that his secret for success was based on the four-letter word ‘grit’. His recipe to get ahead in life was to stay focused on his tasks, find ways to overcome any obstacles that might arise along the way, and work diligently and consistently until his goals were realised.

Speaking on a TED Talks Educational video, psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth explained that grit is “passion and perseverance for very long-term goals.” Grit is having the stamina to keep working at your important tasks every day, over many years, until you have accomplished your objectives.

Duckworth, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania who researches educational achievement, posited that grit is a better indicator of a student’s success than factors such as IQ. This trait may be even more critical than natural abilities or other determinants of achievement. Continue reading True Grit Brings Financial Success