Tag Archives: Spending Management

Smart Spending for Savvy Shoppers

How can words adequately describe the high that comes from shopping with genuine abandon? The surge of energy while speeding on a roller coaster ride, the enthusiasm of winning a hard-fought race, even the excitement of a first love can sometimes pale in comparison to the adrenaline rush that a serious shopaholic experiences upon seeing a sale sign in a favourite store.

Thanks to our challenging economy, the joy of carefree spending has been drastically curtailed for many consumers. Stringent budgets and limited disposable incomes have forced many former fashionistas to turn away from their favourite pastime and focus their spending on the bare necessities of life.

While prudence might dictate that in tough times it’s financially wiser to choose between fresh or canned vegetables instead of the new red or black shoes in the department store, decreased consumer spending on non-essentials actually has a negative effect on the livelihood of many business owners. Continue reading Smart Spending for Savvy Shoppers