Tag Archives: Robert Kiyosak

How To Multiply Your Money

We have been discussing the three principles of financial achievement – managing, multiplying and maintaining your money. Last week, we outlined the four cornerstones of managing your money, explaining how to make smart decisions with the money you currently earn.

Many people hope that their working income will give them all they need to make ends meet and achieve their goals. The reality is that for most people, the regular job will never supply enough money to enable them to become financially successful. Today, we will look at the steps you can take to earn more money.

Create Extra Income

As we confirmed last week, proper budgeting is vital to all financial decisions. Once you fill out your budget accurately (you can download one at www.financiallysmartonline.com), it will show if you’re spending too much money or not making enough money.

If you’ve cut back on non-essentials and still can’t find enough to pay your basic expenses, then earning more is your only option. Continue reading How To Multiply Your Money