Tag Archives: mobile phone

3 Ms of Money- Dealing with Debt

Writing my first book, The 3 Ms of Money, has allowed me to take a look back in time at all the BIG money mistakes that I have made. One of the worst wrong turns I have made is to think that having access to other people’s money (OPM) would make life easier.

Borrowing money can be a very destructive practice, as it lulls you into a spending lifestyle that isn’t sustainable. When you are dependent on a source of income that doesn’t come from you, you lose sight of the fact that you are living beyond your ability to produce. As your desire for credit grows, eventually the monthly payments become too high to manage, and then your debt mushrooms beyond control. Then you have to keep on borrowing to stay afloat. Very often at this point, you can’t access any more credit and your entire financial well-being is impacted.

The Bible says that the “borrower is servant to the lender” (Proverbs 22:7). I have found this to be true. For years I worked hard to pay off thousands of dollars in loan interest. And for what? Useless trinkets and idle entertainment that were long forgotten!

I teach people that debt is not only about borrowing money. It’s any obligation where someone else has delivered their part of the deal, and you have not. Just recently, I almost got tempted to take a great mobile phone offer where I could get a ‘FREE’ Nokia E71. In return I would have to sign a 3-year contract with the mobile company. After thinking about it some more,I realised that I would only be selling myself into 3 years of slavery to pay for this ‘free’ phone. What if I hated their service? What if they raised the monthly cost? I couldn’t complain because they had supplied their end of the deal.

I decided I would just save up and pay for it in CASH, thank you.

Anyway, you can read more about my misadventures with debt and what I had to do to get myself out of the mess I had created when The 3 Ms of Money is published.

Keep thinking and acting Financially SMART!

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Profit From Problems

One of my favourite TV shows is The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, an entrepreneurial programme broadcast on CNBC. In the light of the severe financial crisis bedeviling American businesses, Deutsch recently explained that he had to temporarily change the format of his show from showcasing entrepreneurship to discussing the economy.

There definitely are tremendous challenges now facing large and small enterprises. However, I wonder if Deutsch was completely correct in his declaration that the entrepreneurial spirit was forced to become dormant due to consumers’ lack of confidence and their consequent refusal to spend as customary.

It has been said that big opportunities are born in times when there are great challenges. The test of a true entrepreneur comes when he or she can ignore the prevailing darkness of despair, and focus on the light of possibility.

This is easier said than done, as it takes tremendous strength of mind to keep a positive outlook in the face of overwhelming negativity. Continue reading Profit From Problems