Tag Archives: Jean Chatzky

Stop Making Excuses about Saving

As a personal finance advisor, I can only show my clients the cold, hard realities of their financial lives and give them strategies for improvement; but until they are ready to make the necessary changes, I really can’t help them become financially successful.

After learning the secrets of managing, multiplying and maintaining money, it became my mission to pass on the good news to all. At first I was naïve in believing that once people understood how to transform their finances, they would quickly adopt key principles such as budgeting, saving and debt management.

Very soon I realised that it would not be quite that easy to influence some people’s personal finance habits. Even if they recognised that their negative practices would lead to their financial ruin, it was often difficult for them to change bad habits and do things differently.

Some people remain in financial challenges because they are quick to offer reasons why suggested solutions to their problems can’t possibly work. The need to save regularly is an area that is particularly prone to imaginative excuse-making. Here are some common excuses: Continue reading Stop Making Excuses about Saving