Tag Archives: Income Creation

More Money-Making Ideas for the Holidays

For several months, we have been offering dozens of income-generating ideas that can help you to make extra money part-time, or create a satisfying full-time business. I believe that the only solution for our personal and national economic problems is for each one of us to become more enterprising about earning more.

Once you start focusing on increasing your personal productivity, you will eventually develop the ability to see earning opportunities in various situations. Remember, the key is to look out for people’s unfulfilled needs or painful problems, and get creative in finding solutions to address their concerns.

The festive season is a perfect occasion to improve your skills in identifying options to create additional income, as more people are in the frame of mind to spend. Instead of merely joining the shopping line with your cart full of holiday goods, start looking around for things that you can do to earn from others. Continue reading More Money-Making Ideas for the Holidays

Money-Making Ideas for the Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, many persons will abandon the cautious spending habits they had diligently adhered to throughout the year. Engaging media advertisements, exciting party invitations and enticing Christmas fare are enough temptations to drive even the most frugal consumer into shopping overdrive.

Inevitably, after the spending sprees are over, post-season depression sets in. As January draws nearer, many people frantically wonder how they are going to pay for their holiday excesses and cover their upcoming bills. Year after year, they are filled with remorse about the one month of frenzied shopping which leaves behind eleven months of financial stress.

Is it possible to fully enjoy the holiday season without having any money regrets? Can we actually have our Christmas cake and eat it too? Continue reading Money-Making Ideas for the Holidays

Are you an Employee or Entrepreneur?

In this challenging economy, the terms ‘downsizing’ and ‘outsourcing’ have become a regular part of the workplace vocabulary, and many employees are obliged to look for entrepreneurial ventures to replace their job income. As more students leave the classroom to join the workforce, they find that there are few ready-made jobs awaiting them, so creating a self-generated income source might be their only option.

I believe that practically everyone has the ability to improve their finances by utilising their talents and taking advantage of opportunities, and I always encourage persons to use their creativity to earn part-time income.

However, becoming a full-time entrepreneur involves much more than just acting on an idea and sourcing funds to start a business.

It can be debated whether entrepreneurs are born with a natural business instinct, or if persons can be taught to become entrepreneurial. While I believe that there is a little bit of both nature and nurture in each successful business person, there are certain personalities and mindsets that are non-negotiable in order for an entrepreneur to succeed. Continue reading Are you an Employee or Entrepreneur?

Making Money from Trading

It could be easily argued that Jamaica is a nation of traders. Whether it’s a classy uptown establishment or itinerant downtown vendor, in virtually every nook and cranny you can find persons buying and selling all types of merchandise.

When faced with job loss or the need to supplement their income, many people immediately think of retail trading. If you’re looking for some ideas to make extra money, think first of consumer needs that are currently unmet in your area — what goods do people want to buy which are not in adequate supply?

Expand your horizon and examine new marketplaces for innovative commodities and methods of selling products. Here are some options for earning additional income from trading: Continue reading Making Money from Trading

Making Money from Repairs/Recycling

One of the reasons that consumers have to spend more money in today’s economy is that too many products are easily disposable and require frequent replenishing. Years ago, when you bought a piece of equipment such as an iron, it lasted for a generation; today it seems that the usable lifetime of many small appliances is designed to expire after a year.

While manufacturers can make more money by creating less durable items that have to be replaced repeatedly, many consumers have also adopted a ‘throw-away’ mentality, where they choose to discard products in favour of new and improved models. Just think of the disposability factor of mobile phones!

The challenge with this lifestyle is that it creates a massive amount of waste material that is difficult to put away safely. Plastic bags and bottles can take dozens or hundreds of years to decompose in landfills, while items made of styrofoam and other food and drink containers are reportedly not biodegradable at all.

One of the ways to create an income is by providing profitable solutions to people’s problems. Waste removal issues can therefore be viewed as opportunities for creative entrepreneurs to earn more money. The key is to think of ways to turn somebody’s trash into your treasure by repairing, reusing or recycling it. Let’s look at some possible options: Continue reading Making Money from Repairs/Recycling

Making Money with a Computer/Internet

A computer is an important tool not only to prepare and store documents or stay connected online, but it can be a valuable resource for persons searching for ways to earn extra income. Let’s look at some of the ways in which your computer, especially when used along with the Internet, can be turned into an income-generating device.

Document preparation

There are many persons who do not have the ability to prepare common documents that they need to carry out their businesses. Armed with a computer and basic knowledge of software such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point, you could provide a service to help persons to type letters and projects, create spreadsheets, and design presentations. With Internet service you could also prepare online documents for embassy applications and other web submission forms.

Graphic design

If you have a flair for design and some training in graphic software, you can use your computer to create a range of products for individuals and small businesses. Brochures, flyers, wedding or funeral programmes, business cards and advertisements are just some of the types of products that can be produced in your spare time. Look for customers at churches, schools and by targeting business owners.

Social media services

The growth of social networking sites such as Facebook, where persons share stories and opinions with online friends, has revolutionised the world of marketing. More businesses now realise the value of reaching out to prospective customers using the power of these sites. Continue reading Making Money with a Computer/Internet

Making Money With Personal Services

As we continue to highlight practical options of generating income to make ends meet or save towards future goals, today we will look at some of the ways to earn from providing personal services. Depending on your background or natural talents, you may find one of the following opportunities ideal for you:

Self-defence Training

In today’s society, there is a high level of anxiety caused by crime and violence and the perception that personal security is at risk. While others focus on worrying about the problems that exist, true entrepreneurs pay attention to the opportunities that they present.

One possibility for income earning is teaching others how to defend themselves in the event of an attack. If you have training in the security field or excelled at a self-defence course, you could provide this worthwhile service to help persons overcome their fears. Continue reading Making Money With Personal Services

Making Money With a Vehicle

The purchase of a vehicle is often viewed as a necessary investment for many Jamaicans who are forced to struggle with an unpredictable public transportation system. However, after the initial euphoria of gaining their own set of wheels wears off, new drivers quickly realise that owning a vehicle can sometimes be a very expensive affair.

Most people opt to take out a loan in order to obtain the funds for their vehicle of choice, but the required monthly payments can put severe pressure on their budgets. Add the costs of petrol, insurance, licensing fees, servicing and major repairs, and it becomes clear that vehicle ownership is definitely more of an expense than an investment.

The good news is that your vehicle can actually provide several opportunities to generate income that might not only cover the upkeep charges, but leave you with a tidy surplus to boot. If you’re looking for ways to earn more money, you may find a suitable option in one of the following ideas: Continue reading Making Money With a Vehicle

Making Money From Your Backyard

Many persons find it challenging to think of practical ideas to earn extra income. The key to making more money is first to identify where people have unmet needs or pressing problems that you can solve for profit. When you are trying to create a part-time source of income, you should always stick to options that fit in with your natural talents or the resources that you already have on hand.

Using these basic principles, it should not be difficult to find several opportunities to become more productive in your spare time. Today, let’s look at how you can use your backyard, whether big or small, and a little elbow grease to work your way into extra cash. Continue reading Making Money From Your Backyard

How to Work Less and Earn More

With some amount of trepidation, you decide that you’re finally going to get a grip on your budget. Armed with months of bills and receipts, you painstakingly recreate an outline of your spending plan for the year. After adding up all your expenses, you’re shocked to see that the total monthly income needed to finance your lifestyle is way in excess of your current earnings.

“That explains why I’m so dependent on my credit cards every month,” you mutter to yourself. “I’ve got to reduce these expenses if I’m ever going to get out of debt.”

Determined to cut back all unnecessary costs from your overblown budget, you examine each expense category for items that you can do without. Unfortunately, your search reveals that you already exist on the basics – any reduction will only lead to deprivation for you and your family.

Frustrated by your budget-trimming attempts, you decide to take a hard look at the income side. “My salary is just not enough,” you admit. “What I need is a way to make some more money.” Continue reading How to Work Less and Earn More