Tag Archives: home repairs

Expect the Best, Prepare for the Worst

For many people, thinking about the subject of money brings on negative emotions ranging from mild confusion, constant frustration, sheer anxiety to full-blown panic. It’s unfortunate that such an essential part of our lives can sometimes cause us to experience so much mental pain.

Very often, persons will create their own money misery with their poor financial habits. Splurging in excess of their income, not planning for upcoming expenses, ignoring the need to save, and not making efforts to earn part-time income are some of the practices that can cause distress.

While careless spending and budget shortfalls are the usual suspects for money worries, sometimes a lack of organisation in your financial affairs can bring unwarranted concern. Uncertainty about the true state of your finances can lead you to be overly fearful about your financial future. Continue reading Expect the Best, Prepare for the Worst