Tag Archives: glass ceiling

Are Women Getting Better at Making Money?

Traditionally, the only way that women could end up becoming very wealthy was to find a husband with money. Many girls grew up hearing that they had to marry well if they wanted to experience the good life.

If a girl was born lucky, she might get rich by becoming the heir to her father’s fortune. In fact, the ten wealthiest women on the Forbes 2008 billionaire list all inherited their massive wealth from male relatives.

The famed ‘glass ceiling,’ that invisible barrier to women’s upward mobility in business and politics, has historically ensured that ambitious women could only earn a comfortable living from their own labour, but not access the vast wealth available to their male counterparts.

Women shouldn’t lay the blame for their financial inequality solely at the feet at men, however. Lois P. Frankel, PH.D., author of Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich: 75 Avoidable Mistakes Women Make With Money, declares that girls are generally socialized to be nurturing and supportive, while the more assertive qualities needed for financial advancement are usually discouraged.

Frankel examines some of the common mistakes that women make which prevent them from becoming wealthy. Here are three errors that can hold women back financially: Continue reading Are Women Getting Better at Making Money?