Tag Archives: FSC

The Five Laws of Gold

“Money is plentiful for those who understand the simple laws that govern its acquisition.” George S. Clason

In these harsh economic times, there are many people who believe that it’s almost impossible for them to become get ahead financially. They focus on their shrinking spending power and their apparent inability to achieve their goals and declare, “I give up!”

What most people fail to recognize that it’s not really their lack of money that’s keeping them broke, it’s their lack of financial literacy that’s holding them back. According to Wikipedia, financial literacy is the ability of individuals to make appropriate decisions in managing their personal finances.

You can actually learn how to manage your money effectively, multiply your money to create wealth, and maintain your money to preserve it for future generations.

So where can you obtain an education on financial literacy? The bad news is that the art and science of managing money is not taught in schools, although it should be. The good news is that the information is still available if you look for it. Continue reading The Five Laws of Gold