Tag Archives: FaceBook

Can Social Networking help your business?

Unless you’ve been living as a recluse for the last few years, or you’ve chosen to ignore the technological advancement of the Internet, chances are that you have heard of the concept of social networking. The way that the world communicates in the 21st century has been completely transformed by this phenomenon.

Social networking is a web-based structure that allows persons who have common interests to interact freely online; sharing comments, ideas and stories. Some of the more popular networks include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and MySpace. Research indicates that avid social networkers will spend several hours per day communicating with their online friends.

While these online networks are largely used for entertainment and social interaction, the model offers tremendous potential for businesses as well. Recently, AMK Communications hosted the Caribbean SME Business Technology Exposition (CARIBIZTECH) which showcased several experts and presentations about the importance of social networking in the work environment. Continue reading Can Social Networking help your business?

Become of Fan of the 3 Ms of Money

Writing the ‘memoirs of my money madness’ is now a bigger task than I first imagined. As I dig deep to recall all the challenges I faced with money, I realise that so many others today are suffering from the same issues that I had to overcome.

As a coach, speaker and newspaper columnist, I interact with many people who are on the brink of financial disaster, and generally clueless about what they need to do to turn around their money situation. The level of financial distress is increasing across all sectors of Jamaican society.

Sometimes it feels overwhelming to figure out how to address the financial concerns of so many people. Although I’m really dedicated to helping people deal with their money issues, I am just one person. This is why I am writing this book, The 3 Ms of Money hoping that it can reach a whole lot more people than I can speak to individually.

The intention is to inspire others to believe that, YES, it is possible to live within your means, dig your way out of debt, start a savings habit, learn about investing, and achieve your goals. Trust me, if I can do it, then ANYONE can!

I’ve created a Facebook fan page to help you keep track of my progress along the way. Please click here to join the 3 Ms of Money Fan Club!

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How To Maximise Your Marketing

As the reports of company shutdowns and employee layoffs continue to dominate the financial news worldwide, it would be understandable for small business owners to feel slightly panicked about their future. How can they possibly survive, much less succeed, in the middle of a global recession?

Last week we explained that entrepreneurs can weather the economic storms by adjusting their offerings to meet changing customer needs. In fact, small businesses can be more flexible at creating innovative products or services to take advantage of new opportunities, unlike many large enterprises.

Once your product or service is designed to meet the current needs of your customers, the next step is to maximise your marketing. Many organisations look to cut costs by reducing their marketing budgets, but to outlast the tough times, you actually have to increase your promotional efforts. Continue reading How To Maximise Your Marketing