Tag Archives: domain name

Put Your Business on the Web on a Budget

One of the most frequent requests I receive from readers is for tips on making money on the Internet. The worldwide web presents almost unlimited potential for both established operations and enterprising individuals alike to create extra income. In the 21st century, if you’re only focusing on customers who walk through your physical door, then you’re missing out on tremendous marketing opportunities.

Many local operators have not yet jumped on the online bandwagon, as they may not be internet savvy or may not have realized the powerful reach of the Internet as a marketing tool. Some are of the opinion that their local customers rarely use the Internet, so they don’t see the economic benefits from pitching their products and services in cyberspace.

The reality is that internet usage in Jamaica has been growing rapidly. Recent statistics published on www.internetworldstats.com reveal that some 1.2 million people in Jamaica have access to the Internet.

Also, as the internet generation (persons 25 years old and younger) start earning in the workforce, they expect to have instant access to products via online shopping options.

So how can you tap into the over 1.3 billion persons worldwide that surf the web? Continue reading Put Your Business on the Web on a Budget