Tag Archives: creditors

Life After Layoffs

The days and weeks of watching and worrying have finally come to an end. Your worst fears have been realised – your name is on that dreaded layoff list. In an instant, your occupational status has been altered. You have joined the increasing ranks of the unemployed.

Being laid off can be a traumatic experience. Anxiety about the loss of a steady income, coupled with feelings of rejection and unworthiness can send some newly laid off persons into depression and despair. For others, a job is really more than just a bill-paying source, it helps to define them and give them a sense of purpose.

As with any other negative event in life, the way to survive a job loss is to adjust your attitude and adopt a positive outlook. If you allow the circumstances to overcome you, you will not be able to see the opportunities that exist within every challenge. Despite the situation, you must always keep hope alive that better days will come.

If you have recently lost your job or you fear the advent of the unemployment line, here is a seven-step guide to help you to recover from redundancy: Continue reading Life After Layoffs

Is declaring bankruptcy an option?

Christmas is traditionally a season of merriment and relaxation where we normally get to let go of our concerns and just enjoy ourselves. However, this year many people are so focused on their financial challenges that they are finding it difficult to have fun. Some are extremely anxious about expanding debt positions and impending job losses, and wonder how they are going to turn around their finances.

In the United States, it is fairly common for people who have been overwhelmed by debt to file for bankruptcy. According to Businessdictionary.com, bankruptcy is the legal procedure for liquidating a company, or property owned by an individual, which cannot pay its debts out of current assets. In Jamaica, only individuals file for bankruptcy as companies are placed in liquidation or receivership.

Is declaring bankruptcy an option for average Jamaicans who are mired in debt, and have no means to pay it back? I asked the Office of the Trustee in Bankruptcy to enlighten us about the process. Continue reading Is declaring bankruptcy an option?