Tag Archives: company registration

Self-Employed Start-Up Steps

Every year, more and more people join the ranks of the self-employed in Jamaica. Some seek this route in desperation as they can’t find a regular job, while for others it’s the fulfillment of a long-held dream. Whatever the reason that motivates you to become your own boss, it’s important to start out the right way.

There are some initial requirements that must be carried out to ensure that you’re operating in accordance with Jamaican laws. Let’s take a look at some of the legal steps involved in becoming self-employed:

1.   Register at the Companies Office of Jamaica

It’s actually illegal to operate a business without first registering the name with the Companies Office of Jamaica (COJ). Any individual or firm with an established business place involved in the trading of goods has to be registered, and if you’re providing a service using a name other than your given name, you must register that name.

Sole proprietors apply with a BN1 form, while two or more operators fill out a BN2 partnership form. To complete your application, you will need to bring your Tax Registration Number (TRN), a valid photo identification card, and proof of address such as a utility bill with your name and location. Continue reading Self-Employed Start-Up Steps