Tag Archives: Caribbean Regional Technical

Financial Education for all Jamaicans

“He who knows not and knows he knows not, is simple; teach him” – Arabic proverb

The road to financial achievement can be a difficult journey for many persons. The passage to money success is frequently encumbered by deep potholes and unexpected speed bumps. In fact, most people never end up attaining their goals, as along the way they detoured from the straight and narrow path of making smart financial choices.

Over the years, I have realised that the number one reason that most people falter on the route to financial freedom is that they aren’t aware of what it takes to be successful with money.

Thanks to improved access to communication sources and lessons learnt from the recent financial fallouts, more persons have become concerned about their lack of knowledge about financial matters, and are desperately seeking answers to their problems. Continue reading Financial Education for all Jamaicans