Tag Archives: achieve your financial goals

Going For Gold

Jamaicans all across the world along with numerous friends of our nation are still celebrating the incredible success of our athletes at the recently concluded 2012 London Olympics. The infectious euphoria that was demonstrated by thousands of supporters from Half Way Tree, Jamaica, to Birmingham, England, was heartwarming to observe.

While we bask in the glory of winning 12 Olympic medals, we need to retain more than just a passing sense of pride from the achievements of our sports giants. There’s a lot that we can learn from their journey to the pinnacle of sporting competitions. Let’s look at how we can pattern their progress as we strive to attain our own personal and financial goals. Continue reading Going For Gold

Uncovering the Secrets of Money Success

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” – Matthew 7:7, NIV Bible

As a money coach, I interact with many people who are desperately seeking solutions to their financial problems. When you are constantly broke, heavily in debt and unable to find the way to achieve your dreams, it can feel as if you’re lost in a confusing maze without the vital directions to get you out.

I can easily relate to people’s feelings of distress, as I was also trapped in a financial quicksand for a long time. After years of spending more than I earned, depending on debt and naively ignoring any preparations for the future, I had the good fortune to get a job at a financial institution.

For the first time, I saw persons who were smart about money, who were achieving financial goals that I hadn’t even dreamed about. Continue reading Uncovering the Secrets of Money Success