Money Mission: Deal with Disappointments

As we draw nearer to the close of another year, a lot of persons will look back with regret at lost opportunities or unfulfilled objectives over the past months. Although most people will begin the year by making optimistic resolutions, many will not be satisfied with their year-end results.

It can be discouraging to set your heart on attaining a desired objective in a specific time, make diligent efforts to carry out the required steps, and then get derailed somewhere along the process. Part of goal achievement is learning how to deal with the inevitable disappointments that will arise.

It may be a little naïve to expect calm waters and smooth sailing when you embark on your voyage towards your goal destination. The reality is that you will most likely encounter unexpected and unpleasant challenges along the way that will test your resolve and determination to succeed.

Too many people give up on their dreams at the first sign of difficulty. However, the key to overcoming disappointments is to examine the lessons that you may need to learn from the experience and determine the best course of action to carry on with your overall objective.

Your money mission for this month is to work at getting past any frustrating setbacks or distressing events which may have retarded your progress on your goals. Let’s look at some of the insights that disappointments may bring and some strategies you can use to triumph over them.

You need to be decisive
Sometimes you may respond to a setback by thinking that your dream was just not meant to be. If you lack belief in what you are trying to accomplish and in your ability to get it, then you may approach your goal with a half-hearted attitude, because you’re not sure if it is even possible.

Doubt is a major obstacle to goal accomplishment, as it causes you to attract reasons why you cannot succeed. The Holy Bible says that “The one who doubts is like a wave of the sea; blown and tossed by the wind… such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.”

Think of the challenges you have been facing. Are they really insurmountable, or have you just surrendered to them because you are not fully committed to your goal? To realise your dream, read inspiring books and get motivating help to increase your belief in what you can achieve.

You need to delay
As we discussed in last month’s money mission, working on competing goals at the same time can hinder you from being successful with any of your objectives. The book of Ecclesiastes 3:1 confirms that “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

You could be having difficulties in progressing because the timing is just not right. Look at your situation to see if there are mitigating factors that are preventing you from succeeding. There may be other steps that are required before you can put all your attention on your main objective.

For example, you may be trying to save towards a house, but your chronic indebtedness inhibits you from amassing enough money for the deposit. You have to deal with your debt issues first, before you can single-mindedly focus on actualising your major goal.

You need to detour
Perhaps you are facing obstacles because the direction you have chosen is not the appropriate way to accomplish your deeper objectives. You could be working very purposely towards a goal, without realising that you have actually taken the wrong route to your dream.

Years ago when I worked at a financial institution, I tried a few times, unsuccessfully, to get transferred out of my customer service job as I wanted to explore new frontiers. I finally recognised the value of my position when I discovered a passion for helping people succeed with money.

When you cast your dream into the universe, a pathway will become aligned to help you achieve it. However, you need to ensure that your actions are in line with your overall purpose; if not, you may need to make some directional changes that will put you back on the right course.

You need to dig deeper
If you have re-examined your objectives and the strategies that you have been using, and you’re satisfied that you are heading on the correct path, then perhaps you just need to be more resolute in your actions. Are you really putting 100 per cent of your effort into achieving your dream?

History abounds with tales of achievers who succeeded despite devastating setbacks and crushing rejections. Colonel Sanders, Nelson Mandela and recently, Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai are just a few persons who defeated discouragement, thanks to the power of their dreams.

Is your goal extremely important to you? Then you need to brush aside your disappointments and declare that nothing is going to prevent you from achieving it! Make bigger sacrifices, find supportive allies who can assist you, and keep going until you succeed.

Copyright © 2013 Cherryl Hanson Simpson. No reproduction without written consent.

Originally published in The Daily Observer, November 7, 2013


Cherryl is a money coach and business mentor, and founder of Financially S.M.A.R.T. Services. See more of her work at and Contact Cherryl