“Have a prosperous New Year!”
This cheerful holiday declaration of future fortune is usually expressed with the best of intentions. Wouldn’t it be funny if someone replied honestly, “It would be great if you would tell me exactly how to have this prosperous New Year, because I’ve been broke for the last ten of them!”?
How did the tradition of wishing each other prosperity in the New Year originate?
According to www.answers.com, New Year’s is a time for resolutions, when people look forward and back in time. This practice can be attributed to the two-headed Roman god of beginnings Janus; of whom it was said “could see in the past with one face and into the future with the other.” The first month of the year is dedicated to his honour.
In many cultures, activities that are thought to bring future wealth are carried out on New Year’s Day. One interesting custom is the eating of cabbage leaves, which is considered a symbol of prosperity as it represents paper currency.
Another ritual is the baking of a coin into a loaf of bread, and then dividing it among the dinner guests. The recipient of the slice with the coin is expected to enjoy good fortune for the coming year.
Superstitions aside, how can we create this prosperity that we all desire? Continue reading Three Laws of Prosperity