Tag Archives: setting goals

What’s stopping your financial success?

One observation that has both fascinated and frustrated me is that very few people actually attain the financial success that they dream about, while so many people seem to exist without a sense of direction towards achieving any goals.

I have had many opportunities to examine the attitudes and actions of persons who seek my advice about their money problems. Very often, I would give recommendations to two persons in similar situations, yet only one would follow my counsel and achieve success, while the other would continue along a financially destructive pathway.

Many years ago, as I searched for solutions to improve my own money situation, I realised that I had to understand the forces that could help one person to achieve, and the impediments that could hinder another from getting ahead in life.

I thought that if I could learn and follow the habits of success, and identify and avoid behaviours that led to failure, then I too could join the ranks of the financially successful. Continue reading What’s stopping your financial success?

Prosperity is Mine in 2009!

“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” – Anne Bradstreet, British poet

The eventful year 2008 is now history. Some people might whisper “good riddance”, as they reflect on the financial challenges of this tumultuous 12-month period. As the reports of another year of austerity permeate the air, I am now declaring that this does not have to be our reality. Instead, let’s all pronounce that “Prosperity is mine in 2009!”

I must confess that I am tired of all the negative financial reports that prophesy financial doom and gloom. It’s not that I don’t recognise the severity of the economic crunch; I am concerned about the persons who are facing redundancy, foreclosure or mounting debt, and the businesses which are finding it difficult to remain viable.

However, as someone who understands and has experienced the law of attraction, which states that whatever you concentrate on will multiply in your life, I’m more concerned about the self-fulfilling nature of problem-centric thinking. Continue reading Prosperity is Mine in 2009!