“I’ve done my budget and I as much as I try, I can’t cut back on any expenses. I have one child that is not being supported by his father and I find it really hard to make ends meet on my salary. I would love to be able to earn more money, but I don’t know how to start. Any advice?”
Last week we looked at ways to find more money to save by creatively reducing expenses. However, if you aren’t making enough money even for your basic needs, then the only option is to increase your income.
Once again, the first step is to assess your income and expenditure to find out how much your monthly deficit is. Write down all your monthly expenses, including a savings amount, on your budget planner and subtract the total from your earnings.
If you’re not making ends meet, then your budget should show a shortfall. This figure is the targeted amount which you need to increase your income each month. Continue reading Boost Your Income