Tag Archives: NIS

The Stress-free Way to Pay Your Taxes

It’s tax time in Jamaica, and many business owners and self-employed persons are putting things in place to fulfill their annual tax obligations. March 15 is the deadline for these persons to file several tax returns and remit payments to Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ).

For those who follow proper accounting practices in their business operations, this annual tax period may not bring on too much anxiety. Once business people keep their records up to date with simple bookkeeping systems, giving the Government its due should not be an problem.

However, for the large number of entrepreneurs who fail to utilise basic accounting procedures, tax time will definitely present a major headache. The last thing business owners need is the threat of having the tax authorities investigating their operations! Continue reading The Stress-free Way to Pay Your Taxes

Reflections on Retirement

Hundreds of readers have accepted this month’s money mission to focus on retirement, and this has confirmed to me that many people are very concerned about said aspect of financial planning. I’m sensing that some of you are becoming desperate about your present financial state of affairs and the bleak future that may be awaiting you.

Whatever your current financial position, I want to reassure you that it is possible for you to design a realistic plan of action that can help you to not only survive during your retirement years, but have a fulfilled life. However, pretending that you don’t have a looming problem is only going to ensure that your worst financial nightmare will become your retirement reality.

Let’s look at some important issues that you should consider in order to make proper preparations for this important time in life. Continue reading Reflections on Retirement

Getting Real About Retirement Savings

Are you currently saving towards your retirement? If your answer is yes, do you know how much money your pension plan will provide when it’s time to retire? If your answer is no, do you have any idea where you’ll get money to meet your expenses when you’re too old to work?

If you’re worried about your responses to the questions above, it’s time to take a serious look at saving for your future: it’s time to get real about planning for your retirement.

Many Jamaicans have a high propensity to spend, living for immediate gratification with little thought for the future. Some of us would not blink an eyelid to spend J$500 on a fast food meal, but would be hard-pressed to put away that same J$500 into a consistent savings programme.

Some of us have a ‘No Problem, Man’ attitude, where we figure everything will work out just fine eventually. We presume that our children will take care of us when we get old; that we will be able to work forever; or that one day the lottery will come to our financial rescue. Continue reading Getting Real About Retirement Savings