Tag Archives: Frank Bettger

Earning Extra Money is Essential

Becoming financially successful involves more than just doing the right things with the money you currently earn. For many persons, the salary they receive from their regular jobs can just barely cover their basic necessities. The reality is that if you want to achieve a healthy financial status, you need to focus on earning extra income.

This realisation came home to me several years ago as I struggled to turn around my finances from a negative position to a positive one. After recognising the importance of budgeting, saving, managing debt and setting goals, it became quite obvious that I needed to make more money in order to accomplish these basic money management strategies.

It would be impossible for me to meet all my bills, save for an emergency fund, pay off my debts, and put aside money for future goals without another source of income.

However, figuring out how to create more money was a challenge. I had a full-time job and family responsibilities, so my free time was limited. I also had no idea of what else I could do to increase my income. Continue reading Earning Extra Money is Essential