Tag Archives: fear of failure

How to Move from Failure to Success With Money

One of my favourite self-improvement books is How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling by Frank Bettger. In this bestseller that has stood the test of time, Bettger explains how he reversed a pattern of failed sales attempts to become one of the top-performing salesmen of his era.

What I especially appreciate about Bettger’s tale is that he didn’t hide his embarrassing stories from his readers; instead he used the lessons he learnt from his mistakes to reveal the right way forward. For Bettger, his failures were only stepping stones to his ultimate success.

Bettger’s memoir confirms that even though you may have made poor financial choices in the past, once you understand where you went awry and find out what is required to correct your errors, then it is possible for you to become successful. In fact, failure can sometimes help you to achieve. Continue reading How to Move from Failure to Success With Money

Fear Is A Four-Letter Word

Many years ago, I was presented with an opportunity that left me filled with fear instead of anticipation. I was asked to teach a module of a Portfolio Management course, as the lecturer thought I had done well in the class the year before. My initial response was to decline the offer.

After reflection, I recognised that this development was perfectly lined up with the goals I had set; why would I fear taking it on? Examining my emotions, I realised that it bothered me that I did not know how to create a PowerPoint presentation, and that I was clueless about using a projector.

When I admitted my fears to the lecturer, she reassured me that those shortcomings were easily solved. After a quick introduction to the mechanics of setting up a projector, and a month’s worth of self-tutoring on PowerPoint, I designed my lesson plan and entered the exciting world of teaching. Continue reading Fear Is A Four-Letter Word

Turn Criticism Into Cash

When I encourage persons to look for ways to generate extra income, I often get the response that although they may have some great money-making inspirations, they are afraid of the possible reaction that they will get from friends and colleagues.

One of the biggest deterrents to creativity is our fear of being criticised, and this can cause us to abandon good opportunities to earn. In Simple Steps to Impossible Dreams, author Steven K Scott explains that your “efforts to avoid criticism subvert and suffocate your creative thinking and sabotage your launch before you even attempt to achieve your dreams”.

Words can bring long-term hurt

Why do we avoid criticism like the plague, sacrificing the potential gain that may be our reward for trying something new? The simple answer is that being criticised hurts. Continue reading Turn Criticism Into Cash