Tag Archives: energy saving device

Conserve Resources and Save Money

Consumers today are faced with difficult spending decisions. How can we find money to save towards our goals when the costs of necessities such as food and utilities are constantly increasing? Our only option is to find ways to conserve and become more efficient in our usage of these commodities.

Last week we revealed some clever inventions that can help us to conserve on our electricity usage. This week we will also examine how changing the way we use precious resources such as electricity, water and petrol can help us to cut costs.

Conserve energy

One of the best ways to cut energy consumption is to use our appliances in a more efficient manner. Cranston Ewan, Managing Director of Jamaica Energy Saving Solutions in Kingston, confirms that consumers can see drastic reductions in electricity bills by simply turning off machines when they are not being used. Continue reading Conserve Resources and Save Money