Tag Archives: energy saving

Saving Money on Your Electricity Bill

Trying to be frugal in spending money can be a big challenge in these times. Despite our best efforts to conserve on the use of some big-ticket expenses such as our electricity bill, it sometimes seems that these costs have only one way to move – UP.

What can frustrated consumers do to fight back against rising electricity prices? The good news is that there are some companies that have heard our complaints and have seized the opportunity to supply the market with viable energy-saving options. Here are some exciting new products that can help us to conserve on our light bills:

OWL Energy Monitor

This energy monitoring device gives you a reading on the energy consumption in your home or office on a real-time basis. Andrew Jackson, managing director of Jetcon, distributor of this product likens the Owl to the speedometer on your car. Continue reading Saving Money on Your Electricity Bill