Tag Archives: credit card

Bad Debt

“I work in the payroll department of a large organization, and I pay out millions of dollars each month to different loan companies. I know that some of these lending agencies charge exorbitant interest rates. My concern is that many of the employees are taking home little and nothing from their pay cheques. How can we get them to realize the dangers of too much debt?”

Consumer debt is on the increase in Jamaica today. The rapid demand for debt could suggest that we’re not able to meet our needs from our income, so we’re forced to borrow to make ends meet. Or it could be an indicator that many people are not willing to defer their desires until they actually earn enough to fulfill them.

With a high appetite for debt comes a resultant growth in alternative lending agencies. ‘Rapid Financing’, ‘Same-Day Loans’, ‘Quick Advance’, declare the advertisements from agencies that offer a fast track loan service. Reports from traditional credit facilities also point to the increase in credit card usage and loan portfolios.

It seems that Jamaica is now ‘debt-crazy’.

Continue reading Bad Debt

Control Your Christmas Spending

“Last year I really overspent on Christmas gifts. In fact, I’m probably still paying for some of them now, as I have a large credit card balance that I’m trying to pay down. I really don’t want this to happen again this year, but I feel that once I hit the plazas, I’ll lose control. Please help me to curb my Christmas spending!”

With only about 18 shopping days left to Christmas day, the seasonal spending frenzy is about to get into high gear. Sometimes reasoning and control will fly out the door, as we get caught up in the hype fed to us by the retailers.

After all, this is the time of the year when many shop owners make more money than the rest of the year combined!

While we do want to support a vibrant economy, we can’t afford to lose sight of all our financial goals, or worse, incur massive debt. Here are some tips that will help you to control the urge to splurge this Christmas: Continue reading Control Your Christmas Spending

Debt Distress

I am engaged to be married to a great guy. Problem is, he doesn’t know that I’m up to my ears in debt. I was made redundant two years ago, and I had to max out three credit cards and take out two credit union loans to survive.

“Now that I’m working, my salary can barely pay the minimum required to pay off these debts. I’m too ashamed to tell my fiancé, as he may think I’m not financially stable and reconsider our wedding.”

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Being without a job for an extended period can send practically anyone into debt overdrive. Give thanks that you’re back into the world of a steady paycheck!

However, your past financial woes are not going to disappear by pretending that they never existed.

Continue reading Debt Distress