Tag Archives: Breakfast Snacks

Making Money With Food

It’s been said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. This saying certainly rings true for not just Jamaican men but women as well, as it is part of our culture to enjoy a good meal. Practically every month a food festival is held somewhere in the country, and people will travel far and wide to partake in the offerings.

With the universal love for eating out, it’s ironic that the restaurant business holds the dubious distinction of having a 90 per cent failure rate. Although researchers debunk this statistic as an urban myth, many persons are still wary of venturing into the food industry because of its varied challenges.

Despite the possible setbacks, there is nothing as satisfying as food preparation for those persons who are naturally talented in this area. The good news is that you don’t have to inject significant financial capital and spend extended hours to benefit from the food business, as it also presents several opportunities for earning part-time income. Let’s look at some tantalizing options: Continue reading Making Money With Food