Saving Money on Your Electricity Bill

Trying to be frugal in spending money can be a big challenge in these times. Despite our best efforts to conserve on the use of some big-ticket expenses such as our electricity bill, it sometimes seems that these costs have only one way to move – UP.

What can frustrated consumers do to fight back against rising electricity prices? The good news is that there are some companies that have heard our complaints and have seized the opportunity to supply the market with viable energy-saving options. Here are some exciting new products that can help us to conserve on our light bills:

OWL Energy Monitor

This energy monitoring device gives you a reading on the energy consumption in your home or office on a real-time basis. Andrew Jackson, managing director of Jetcon, distributor of this product likens the Owl to the speedometer on your car.

“Imagine driving on the road and not knowing how fast you were going, or how many miles you had traveled,” Jackson explained. He pointed out that electricity consumers face this same challenge as they are not aware of the exact cost of using their appliances.

The energy monitor is a simple device that can help consumers to manage their energy usage, by allowing them to be conscious about its cost. You can programme the electricity company’s average cost per kilowatt per hour (KWH) into the machine, and it gives you a reading in dollar figures on your KWH usage for the hour, day, week, month, quarter, or year.

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Here’s how it works: The Owl has sensors that are clipped on the wires in your breaker panel. This easy installation must be done by a licensed electrician. These sensors measure the current flowing through the wires coming into your house. As the current flows, it creates a magnetic field that is picked up by the sensors – the more current you use, the greater the magnetic field. The sensors then send a wireless signal to the Owl’s monitor which looks like a little digital clock. You can then immediately see your usage and cost in real time. The meter also has an alarm, which can warn you if you have reached a target usage amount.

It’s one thing to know the price tag on your consumption, but how can you effectively trim your electricity bill without turning off all appliances and living in darkness and silence? Karl Thompson, proprietor of Conservation Central based in Montego Bay, has provided some very innovative ways to slash these costs:

ESDAC – Energy Saving Device for Air Condition

Thompson explained why air condition units can cause your light bill to skyrocket. When you turn on the unit and set your desired temperature, the compressor chips in and causes the evaporator to chill water into ice. While the evaporator is cooling, the fan blows the cold air into the room. There comes a point in this process called Thermo Dynamic Saturation (TDS), when the ice reaches an optimum temperature where it can’t get any colder.

The problem with most air condition units is that when the evaporator reaches TDS, the compressor continues to work the evaporator although it doesn’t need to. The compressor, which can use up to 95 per cent of the total electricity consumed by the unit, will in fact not stop working until the room reaches the temperature set on the thermostat.

The ESDAC device, which is connected between the compressor and the thermostat, fixes this problem by switching off the compressor when the evaporator reaches TDS, but keeps the fan spinning to circulate the cooling air. Thompson confirmed that you can save up to 30 per cent in KWH consumption, but he guarantees a minimum of 20 per cent savings. This German-engineered device requires fitting by certified refrigeration technician.

ESUR – Energy Saving Unit for Refrigeration

It seems that when our parents warned us to keep the refrigerator door closed, they were right. Thompson explained that a refrigerator works by cooling the air inside of it, and then the air cools the items that you put inside of the fridge. When you open the fridge door it causes your energy usage to go up. This is because the appliance not only loses cool air, but it now has to cool the warm air that has rushed inside.

The ESUR device works by switching the fridge’s sensor from regulating the inside air temperature, to checking the temperature of the items inside the fridge instead. So although you let in warm air, the fridge does not need to cool anything, as the food is still cold. The British-engineered device, which is fitted between the compressor and the air sensor of the fridge, also requires installation by a certified refrigeration technician. Thompson indicated that ESUR can provide savings up to 35 per cent saving on KWH usage. For more information on these devices call 832-6129 or go to

Next week we will continue our look at practical energy-saving devices that are available right here in Jamaica.

Copyright © 2008 Cherryl Hanson Simpson. No reproduction without written consent.


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Originally published in The Daily Observer, November 06, 2008

Cherryl is a financial consultant and coach, founder of Financially S.M.A.R.T. Services. See more of her work at and Contact Cherryl