Money Lessons from Home Decorating

Recently, I got involved in a home decorating project, which saw me creating custom-made curtains for some bedroom windows. In a former career life, I used to produce and market a line of ladies’ clothing and accessories, but I had shelved my sewing machine and design skills for nearly 15 years.

It seems that a change of environment had rekindled the dormant fire of my creative talent. I became inspired by a scrap of leftover fabric which had been used to reupholster a chair. Convincing myself that I could turn this remnant into fabulous window shades, I set about bringing my vision into reality.

I knew it would have been challenging to pull off this feat, since I was a little rusty in recollecting some sewing techniques. However, just like riding a bicycle, there are some things that you never really forget. In the end, I was rather pleased with my designing effort and even more thrilled that I had used what I had on hand to achieve my objective.

As I cut, pinned and stitched the material, I started reflecting on some important truths that this experience was teaching me about life and our finances. While I will leave the more detailed decorating reports to my Thursday Life DIY colleague, Angelie, I will share some of the money lessons that I learned while decorating my home.

Planning is vital for success

I had to spend considerable time plotting out the best way in which to use the fabric scrap to achieve my decorating objective. Should I create a flouncy valance or would the fabric be better suited to window panels? Would I need to get additional material to complete the job? What type of rod would be required to give me the right look?

When it comes to money, you need to be very clear about your financial dreams by expressing your desires as specific goals. If you want to own a home, what type of property should it be? Where would it ideally be located? How much will it cost? You may need expert advice to design an action plan that will help you to attain your objectives.

Execute carefully to minimise errors 

Achieving my desired end result of making beautiful curtains would take precise and careful execution. There was no room for error; if I made a mistake in cutting or sewing the material, the whole project might be doomed. To ensure that I was technically capable of carrying out the task, I had to refresh my memory by watching some sewing tutorials online.

Similarly, you need to tread carefully when your money is at stake. Don’t just jump into a project, investment or business without doing due diligence and research, as you need to be knowledgeable about what you are doing before you start. While you can eventually recover from money mistakes, they might be very costly and set back your goals for many years.

Creativity blooms with limited options 

My preferred choice for custom drapery would have cost me several thousand dollars. However, as I had already exhausted my entire decorating budget, I was forced to come up with a cheaper (free) way to dress the remaining empty windows. Necessity definitely forced me to become innovative with the scrap of fabric that was left behind.

As the Jamaican saying goes, you have to ‘tun yuh han’ and mek fashion’, when you are faced with financial challenges. If your budget is limited, consider how you can use your creativity to achieve your goals. Can your gardening skills be turned into cash by potting plants for sale? Can you generate income as a part-time tutor utilising your skills in mathematics?

Strong belief can bring good fortune 

I knew that the remnant would not be enough to provide full coverage for my windows; however, I was determined to complete the job with what I could find around the home. As luck would have it, I found a large stash of material, long forgotten for nearly 15 years. In it was the perfect piece of material that I needed to complete the lining and trim for the job.

Doubt is a major obstacle to goal achievement; if you think that you can’t do something, you only set yourself up for failure. If you persevere with your plans even through difficult situations, you may receive a lucky break that makes the difference. When you believe in yourself, others will too, and eventually the right persons will come along to assist you in accomplishing your goals.

There’s much to be learned from our everyday experiences; once you are receptive to all that life can teach you, even simple activities can make you wiser. If you are decorating your home during this holiday period, maybe you will be similarly inspired and receive some valuable lessons that can help you with your finances!

Copyright © 2012 Cherryl Hanson Simpson. No reproduction without written consent.

Originally published in The Daily Observer, December 13, 2012


Cherryl is a money coach and business mentor, and founder of Financially S.M.A.R.T. Services. See more of her work at and Contact Cherryl